Thursday 31 May 2018

"When a Christian prays for an answer from God, how is it determined that the answer settled is indeed of God and not actually the person’s own inclination based on non-divine factors?"

 Brenda Jane has answered
'Always compare the answer with the scripture. Nothing is higher than the word of God, no dream, no vision, no trance, no prophesy.'
 In the bible all references to ‘scripture’ are references to the original Jewish religion that revolved upon the Temple of Solomon.
 In the bible the phrase; ‘The Word’ is used as a name for God The Son, and by extension, Jesus.
 The bible does not include the New Testament within ‘scripture’.
 The bible does not say that it (the bible) is Jesus or that its words are God
 The Apostle Paul ruled that the gift of prophesy came from the Holy Ghost. It was central to his church.
 Jesus’ spiritual work began where the bible ended.
 Hell was his first reconquered territory. He has ruled it ever since.
 He re-ordered human history and he re-ordered the spiritual universe.
 In the first chapter of Hebrews, Jesus who created your universe, was given a seat at the right hand of God, which placed him above the creators of all other universes. 
 He used this authority to make his angels into ministering spirits
 and make their executive a flame of fire
 The four gospels record Jesus’ life 
 Every word he said and every action he took was a statement of truth for all time
 When the gospels record that Jesus said that his interest lay with sinners and not with the righteous that was a statement of his position for all time.
 The four gospels are the only ‘word of God’ in the bible
 In personality, Jesus is not in the Churches
 The worship service is the domain of the Holy Ghost
 Through worship a Church may be raised up to Lord Jesus in High Estate
 which is the Temple Of God
 In personality, Jesus is with those who are suffering. Now.
 He is also beside the addict, the prostitute and the criminal. Right now.
 When anyone in pain and suffering prays to God, they are in immediate communication with Jesus
 and that intimate communication lasts for as long as their suffering lasts.
How is it determined that the answer settled is indeed of God and not actually the person’s own inclination based on non-divine factors?
 Firstly, does it matter?
 Secondly go and ask those who have suffered, for the information you seek.
 Assuming your question relates to yourself
 and you are comfortable, putting on weight, and intellectually curious
 you will not be dealing with Jesus, you will be dealing with God The Father
 God The Father exists in eternity, outside of matter, energy, space and time.
 He also exists in your soul. You know him as your conscience.
 In that position he is directly responsible for everything good and bad that happens to you
 When you develop a relationship with your conscience to the level that you do what it tells you even when you don’t want to, your life will slowly start to go right again and you will be directed towards your life purpose
 Conversational prayer about your life is a good way to develop a relationship with God The Father who is your conscience
Blog : Grow Your Church

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