Sunday 27 May 2018

The loony message of Christian Phariseeism

Christian Pharisees spread the loony message that the entire requirements of Jesus’ Christianity is ‘believing in Jesus’
According to them, as soon as you say you believe in Jesus you go on the waiting list for Heaven.
It sounds too ridiculous for words but tens of thousands of people believe this nonsense.
The question to ask is what does ‘believing in Jesus’ actually mean
and does it have any requirements
The Apostle Paul thought that ‘believing in Jesus’ meant keeping to the 40 commandments Jesus issued at the sermon on the mount - which he did as if his life depended on them. 
Paul’s followers thought that ‘believing in Jesus’ meant selling their homes and giving the money to the church, giving all their other goods to the poor, living in commune and handing their wages over to the Church.
That’s what Paul believed ‘believing in Jesus’ meant
That’s what Paul’s followers believed ‘believing in Jesus’ meant
Today I have heard preachers, teachers and elders say that it simply means believing that Jesus was a real person in history.
This is what the modern Christian church has come to.
There is no sacrifice. There is no suffering. There is no hardship.
You just say four magic words; ‘I believe in Jesus’ and that is the whole job done. And they wonder why God is not flourishing their churches
Blog: Spiritual Healing

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