Saturday 26 May 2018

What is Heaven like?

Jesus and two criminals were being crucified on crosses of wood
 One of the criminals said “we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong. Jesus, remember me when you come in your kingdom" And Jesus said to him, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in Paradise."
 is the highest of the Heaven levels and is the personal abode of Jesus as God
 Those in Heaven go through sacrifice and suffering to move up towards Paradise, level by level
 yet Jesus took a criminal straight there because wanted to and because he could
 This is the cornerstone of the theology of Jesus’ “grace”.
 If you search the books category of for < Jesus Grace > you will see hundreds of books written to explain ‘grace’
 but all that ‘grace’ means is that Lord Jesus will do any damn thing he wants and is not in any way impeded by anything written in the bible or by the beliefs of the Christian church
 Subject to Jesus’ judgement decision the legal profession go directly to the Realm Of Law
 The Realm Of Law is higher than Heaven and superior to the church. It rules the whole of Creation
Belief in God is not a requirement for accession to the Realm Of Law but dedication to equity is.
 Subject to Jesus’ judgement decision, skilled craftsmen will go directly to areas in the spiritual universe where they are needed.
 The Christian church believes that the material universe is created by magic. They think that God says a magic word and it all jumps into existence out of nothing. 
 In fact the material universe is built and maintained by craftsmen under the supervision of Heaven at the dictation of Jesus.
 This ‘fast-tracking’ of skilled craftspeople is the truth that underlies Freemasonry > For craftspeople, personal qualities are more important than belief in, or adherence to, a religion
 However the most blatant partiality and the most jaw-dropping fast track is given to mothers.
 Lawyers authorise. Craftspeople build. But once that is done, someone has to go there and create life, and then guide and develop that life through TIME. This is ‘mothering.’
 Irrespective of what the Christian church believes, all life – plant, animal or microbe – is created and brought on by mothering spirits of the Higher Heaven levels.
 Subject to Jesus’ judgement decision, full-time professional successful mothers are fast-tracked through the Lower Heaven and into the Higher Heaven levels.
 Christian Pharisees, who do not themselves adhere to Jesus’ 40 commandments (Sermon On The Mount), are none-the-less outraged by those who do not adhere to the bible’s commandments against fornication (sex outside marriage). Sadly for them, the bible only says that this is a matter for Lord Jesus’ judgement decision.
 Where fornication leads to successful mothering, the quality of the mothering wipes the sin of the fornication. And fornicators who are successful mothers may be fast-tracked into the Higher Heaven levels while Christian Pharisees are left floundering in the Spirit Worlds (Purgatory).
 Mothering is huge in Heaven.
Blog : Spiritual Healing

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