Wednesday 9 May 2018

Q: ”If you go to heaven and your child ends up in hell, how could eternal happiness be possible?”

 Eugene Rideout says that the scriptures do not speak of any afterlife.
He says that genuine Christians do not believe in an afterlife.
 By ‘scriptures’ he obviously means the bible. The word ‘scriptures’ IN the bible always meant the original Jewish Torah.
 The afterlife is mentioned so many times in the bible, particularly in the Old Testament, that people have written entire books on that issue.
 If you do a Google search of < afterlife bible verses > you will see there are over 700,000 entries
 Any sensible reading of the Letters Of Paul reveals that he believed, with total conviction, that he would see the second coming of Christ in his lifetime.
 He gave no teaching on the afterlife because there was no point. He genuinely expected Jesus to arrive on Earth any day.
 The Christian church depends on the belief that Paul was in continuous, direct contact with the Holy Ghost, and that contact informed his writing
 So either the Holy Ghost lied to Paul, or Paul met Jesus face-to-face upon his death (within the ambit of his life). You choose. It could only be one or the other.
 Eugene Rideout says that Paul could not have gone direct to Jesus upon death because ‘dead means dead’. Therefore the Holy Ghost lied to Paul about him seeing Jesus in his lifetime.
 This then casts doubt on the whole content of Paul’s letters.
 and Paul’s letters are the platform on which the Christian church is built.
 Either Paul saw Jesus at the time of his death (within the ambit of his life) or the Christian church has no authority.
If Paul saw Jesus within the ambit of his life there is an after-life.
 End of.
 ”If you go to heaven and your child ends up in hell, how could eternal happiness be possible?”
 This question has answers from tortured people who believe they are in that position.
 God The Father is outside of matter, energy, space and TIME.
 God the Son encloses TIME and is therefore outside of it.
 The Holy Ghost IS TIME and is therefore in control of past, present and future.
 When God looks at you he perceives you as one point in the continuous blood-line of your family persona.
 Does your bloodline pass down the male line or the female line?
 At what stage of an expanding family tree does one bloodline yield to another?
 I don’t know the answers to these questions. But God knows, and the blood-lines are written in stone.
 In the eyes of God, your entire blood-line, past, present and future is a single being
 and at the end of this world it will be the blood-lines that are judged, not the individuals in them.
 If the parent is in Heaven and the child is in Hell they remain connected through the body of the blood-line to which they both belong.
 And even if those in Heaven could not assist those in Hell, which is untrue, the part of the blood-line in Heaven could always contact and support the part in Hell because they are the same body
 The whole point of Jesus incarnation was what he did after he was crucified.
 The bible indicates but does not cover what Jesus did after he was crucified.
 Therefore key points of Christianity are beyond ‘scripture’.
 Hell was Lord Jesus’ first reconquered territory. It has been under his authority for the last 2,000+ years. Lord Jesus alone now says what happens in Hell and what doesn’t
 To the Word Worshippers the bible is a closed circuit.
 Round and round shuffle the living dead of Zombie Christianity
 each zombie totally dependent on the magic-spell scripture words of the one in front
 who taught them everything they know.
 Blog : Grow Your Church

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