Tuesday 22 May 2018

"What's the biggest contradiction in the Bible?"

  Samantha Tindall-Paulos wrote :-
“Love keeps no record of wrongs” — 1 Corinthians 13:5
 How could God judge you if he has no record of your wrongs?
 This is an NIV Bible quote. The NIV is not a real bible.
 In the 1970s “more than one hundred scholars working from the best available Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts produced a completely original translation of the Bible – the NIV”
 By pure coincidence they found that the “best available texts” completely supported every Christian Pharisee tradition, contortion and misconception in the modern church. Hurrah!
 The bible was re-written as the NIV by the Christian church to bring it into line with their beliefs.
 What 1 Corinthians 13:5 says in the real bible is that (charity) “thinketh no evil”.
 In the KJV this verse is about charity. The NIV changed it to be about love. 
 Adday wrote :-
 ” One day, I accidentally discovered in the Bible some verses that give different accounts of the same thing. I was shocked: Isn’t the Bible given by inspiration of God? It entirely comes from God! How could there be discrepancies in it?”
 It is believed that the Holy Ghost spoke through the Apostle Paul. This gives his letters the authority of God. The Christian church was constructed from the letters of Paul.
 Everything else in the bible is presented as Witness Statements.
 It would be suspicious if two witnesses gave identical statements.
 Christian Pharisees seek to escape the requirements of Jesus’ 40 commandments given at the Sermon On The Mount
In order to do this they have created the viral myth that the Holy Ghost spoke through every writer in the entire bible.
 This means that, according to them, the letters of Paul and every verse in the Old Testament are equal in authority to Jesus’ (God’s) direct commandments given at the Sermon On The Mount.
 And anything said by Jesus has no more authority than anything said by the smallest or most obscure prophet anywhere in the bible.
 Christian Pharisees do nothing – nothing – but read a book and tell others what was in it.
 And they believe that “good work” will get them into Heaven.
 It won’t. Not a chance. 
 Adday wrote :-
 ” When it speaks of the genealogy of the Lord Jesus, doesn’t it mean that He is a man, the son of Joseph, but not the incarnate God conceived by the Holy Spirit? For only man has his genealogy. God is not a member of the human race, so how could He have His genealogy?”
 A lot of people will say ‘Who cares?
 Do you need to know the names of the robots who built your car before you drive it?
 Will you refuse to drive your Rolls Royce when you discover that BMW owns Rolls Royce?
 Open the door to Jesus’ commandments. Get in and drive them. Then decide whether the spiritual benefit you get is worth the cost.
 The Holy Ghost had sex with Mary. Mary had an orgasm.
 None of this is unusual. The Holy Ghost has a sexual aspect and does this sort of thing.
 Jesus was a man whose body was possessed by the Holy Ghost
 and the Holy Ghost acted through him.
 This is exactly what the Holy Ghost does. The only unusual thing is that the Holy Ghost went into Jesus at conception - went into a human egg cell (ovum).
 When you receive the fullness of the Holy Ghost into your body you embark on a sequence of journeys.
 The first one is multiple multiple multiple tests and trials during which God makes decisions about you.
 If you pass those, the Holy Ghost slowly (over years) takes over more and more and more of you.
 The only thing that is peculiar about Jesus is that at age 33 he was baptized by John the Baptist
 and the Holy Ghost hit him AGAIN, this time like a thunderbolt
 and an aspect of God The Son manifested (or flowered) in personality in his body
 and now he could perform miracles. 
In the same way that the Holy Ghost manifested in Jesus
God The Son now manifested in the Holy Ghost
 Jesus was God and man.
 He was God inserted into a bloodline.
 God is outside of time. Bloodlines are inside time.
 How else is God to enter TIME other than through a bloodline?
 God creates past, present and future simultaneously.
 TIME is not an unfolding sequence. It all exists at once.
 You are not an independent individual existing in ‘now’ with a dead past behind you.
 You are one point in a living bloodline. You owe a duty to the bloodline that exists before you and you owe a duty to the bloodline that exists after you.
Stop dithering and honour your obligations.
Blog : Grow Your Church

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