Thursday 24 May 2018

What is the religion of a new born child?

What is the religion of a new born child?
It has just arrived from the spirit realms. There is no religion in the spirit realms.
There is no religion in Heaven. There is no religion in Hell. There is no religion in Purgatory. Religion is a human affectation.
The material universes are within TIME
What you see with your eyes is not really there. It all consists of atoms, and atoms are just energy (or near enough energy to make no difference).
The fact that all humans see the same illusion through their eyes is entirely down to shared belief
Belief is huge in the material universes. Belief is everything to humans.
But ‘belief’ isn’t worth a toss in the spirit realms. What you have there is reality and will.
In your head the material universes are ‘reality’ and the spirit realms are illusion.
The truth is the other way around
Your material world cannot possibly be reality because it consists entirely of energy which you think is solid when it isn’t.
In your world everything you see, think and do is a function of belief
In Reality, which is the spirit realms, what you see is generated by will.
They know there is nothing there unless and until they create it, which they do.
When you die you go to a crèche level whose function is to re-train you to deal with reality.
The Upper Heaven is gated off from the Lower Heaven
The function of the Lower Heaven, which is also called The Worship Worlds, is to take the religious beyond religion and into the real world.
You can immediately tell a false Christian prophet because he says God talked to him in bible verse. It does not happen.
Bible verse is childrens food for humans. You talk to God beyond the bible.
There is your world, which has religions, and there is the ‘after-life’ which has reality.
Blog : God and Science debate

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