Saturday 26 May 2018

Does Heaven Exist?

 Jeff Axum says :-
 ’You can’t prove any logical outcome by referencing imaginary things (Heaven) which can’t be tested. That is not logical or scientific. This is why philosophers have been chasing their tails for thousands of years.’
 The existence of Heaven has been proved by :-
 Out-Of-Body experiences
 Near-death experiences
 Death & Resuscitation experiences
 170 years of published research by the Spiritualist churches
 and the fact that an average of 50% of people in the world have had supernatural (beyond scientific understanding) experiences of one sort or another. Search < statistics supernatural experiences >
 Frankly, the evidence for Heaven is so overwhelming it is astonishing that as much as 30% of the global population still refuse to believe it is true.
 The existence of Heaven has been tested and found true as far as anything non-material can be tested.
 Jeff Axum’s position is that nothing outside the material realm can exist because it fails the tests that are used to prove that a thing exists inside the material realm.
 What sort of logic is that?
 Jeff says ‘If it can’t be tested then its imaginary’
 If it can’t be tested by what tests, Jeff?
 Scientists test hypotheses by conducting experiments. 
 The purpose of an experiment is to determine whether observations in the real world agree with or conflict with the predictions derived from a hypothesis.
 All scientific testing is done on the basis of proving or disproving whether something exists in the material universe. There is no other kind of recognized scientific test.
 So how do you test whether something exists outside the material universe?
 The only possible way is to record people’s personal experiences, to look for common denominators in those experiences and to make a decision based on the statistics produced.
 On that basis the existence of Heaven has been overwhelmingly proved.
 It is not the case that science has tested for the existence of Heaven and found that it doesn’t exist.
 Science has not tested for the existence of Heaven because science has no tests that could be used.
 Because of that, science can only say that the existence of Heaven has not been proved or disproved.
 An honest scientist could say nothing else because there have been no tests.
 Jeff Axum says that ‘Heaven does not exist, there are no people there, and they don’t have free will, because they don’t exist.’
 Based on what evidence?
 It is certainly not based on scientific evidence because there is none.
 Jeff has constructed this postulate entirely in his imagination
 and then says that everyone who does not agree with his imaginings are relying on their imaginations.
 Science has not proved or disproved the existence of Heaven.
 The existence or non-existence of things outside the material realm can only be proved or disproved by research.
 There has been 170 years of research.
 The statistics produced are overwhelmingly in favour of an after-life after-world existing
 50% of the population of the world have had a supernatural (beyond scientific understanding) experience. 3,800,000,000 people are not all liars
70% of the population of the world believe in a God in some form. The vast majority of them do not live lives of imaginings. Many live lives of hardship and have experiential evidence for the religious decisions they reach.
 ’Philososophers’ study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, as an academic discipline (sitting on their ass).
 To do this, they look at what drives people’s behaviour – their thinking, convictions and attitudes by using ‘everybody knows it’ invented (non researched) statistics
 Jeff Axum, in his reply engages in philosophy.
 Those who believe in Heaven engage in theology.
Blog : God and Science debate

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