Tuesday, 26 June 2018

"What is the best solution for theists to counter the ever increasing popularity of atheism among masses?"

 Snapshot Survey statistics are that 70% of people declare a belief in God in the USA and 25% declare a belief in God in the UK< world statistics believe in god >
However in the last UK census (2011) 59% of people identified as Christian
and only 25% said they had no religion
This indicates that 34% of the UK population identify as Christian but don't believe in God
This, of course, is incorrect
They believe in a higher power in some form. They just don't believe in the Christian church version of God
Since the English Evangelical Revival of 1701 people in the UK have been pestered with evangelical approaches which always start "Do you believe in God"After 218 years of it, that question is now welded to the Christian church in the minds of ordinary people
so now, when anyone asks that question, they say 'No'
But they are not rejecting God. They are rejecting the Christian church
 There is no significant increase in atheism
Secularism is growing, and the numbers of those who declare they have no religion is increasing
In modern parlance, an atheist is someone who says there is no God
but in the UK most people have simply given up on the Christian church
The UK is one of the strongest markets in the world for Mind, Body, Spirit books
The Guardian newspaper reported that in 2017 sales rose 13% year on year
 The following titles sell like hot cakes in the UK :-
Buddhist monk Haemin Sunim’s The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
Rhonda Byrne’s perennial bestseller The Secret
Eckhart Tolle’s 1999 guide to spiritual enlightenment, The Power of Now,
Gabrielle Bernstein’s The Universe Has Your Back,
Louise Hay’s You Can Heal Your Life
Dominique Loreau’s L’art de la Simplicite: How to Live More With Less.
The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu’s The Book of Joy
The truth is that there is not an “ever increasing popularity of atheism among the masses”
 There is an ever increasing rejection of the Christian church and all it stands for
 The masses are more spiritually inclined now than they ever have been in the history of the world
 but they are an educated population who will not be lied to by self-brainwashed loonies
I can’t remember the Government telling us, in 1957, that they were going to test a thermonuclear bomb. The first we heard about it was after they’d done it
 One minute we were licking our wounds after Suez. The next minute we were in the middle of the nuclear arms race
 The women of the UK went ballistic
 They did not trust the male political establishment NOT to get us into another war
 and they did not trust male British politicians with 520 thermonuclear warheads
 From May 1957 on, the women of the UK banded together in a nation-wide concerted effort to take back political power from men
 The church opposed them. The Christian church told them that their duty was to stay at home and do what their husbands told them
 Coincidentally, the birth control pill became available to all on the National Health Service at a subsidised price in 1961
 The women used the birth control pill and free sex to destroy the UK Christian church in the 1960s and 70s
 No-one has opposed them since
 I was in the UK Protestant church during the 1970s and 1980s
 Christian Pharisees had always been in the church, but they had always been a mouthy minority who everyone ignored. But as church attendance declined they gained more and more power in the church
 In the 1970s and 1980s the Christian Pharisees prophesied that church attendance was declining because God was punishing the church for not having a hard enough pharisee attitude to the bible
 They said that once the church got its house in order by throwing out everyone with a common-sense approach to scripture, then God would once again bless the church and attendance statistics would rise
 Protestant Clergy fell for that Christian Pharisee story
 and in that twenty-year period they conspired to drive out from the church every person who had a common-sense, practical approach to the bible
 The statistics did not rise. They fell even more steeply. They went down the toilet.
 But as the only people left in the church were Christian Pharisees there was no-one to hold them to account for their false prophesying
In the British Social Attitudes Survey …
In 1980 11.1% of the UK population, attended Church on a given Sunday,
 In 2005 6.3% of the UK population, attended Church on a given Sunday,
In the 2001 census 71.7% identified as Christian
In the 2011 census 59.3% identified as Christian

 If 71.7% of the population identified as Christian
 and only 6.3% attended church

 Then the huge, vast, over-arching majority of Christians in the UK were/are opposed to the doctrine, dogma, attitude and policies of the UK Christian church

 If the church was a democracy the current governance and clergy would be thrown out on their ear and would be lucky to make it to the end of the street without a beating
 The Christian church needs to recognize that the great majority of every congregation is, and always has been, women
 The Christian church needs to face up to the fact that it is, and always has been, a womens church
 And modern, educated women are not going to put up with (not for a second) the Christian Pharisee brutalizing of Jesus’ message of love
 Blog : Grow Your Church

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