Saturday, 16 June 2018

"Is it true that atheists aren't getting into the Kingdom of Heaven?"

 Ian Sawyer has answered that any form of life after death is utterly impossible without violating the laws of science
 Science is the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
 The question here is whether there is life after death outside the physical and natural world
 All scientific laws follow, fundamentally, from physics
 Physics is concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy
 The question here is whether there is life beyond the universe of matter
 Science has nothing to say one way or the other about anything outside the physical and natural world
Physics is only concerned with the universe of matter.
 Neither experimental physics, nor string theory, nor the holographic principle nor any other branch of science or physics has ever done any work on anything outside the material dimension of space
 In 1704, Isaac Newton suggested the idea of a multiverse
The physics community continues to debate the multiverse hypotheses. Prominent physicists are divided in opinion about whether any other dimensions exist.
Let us be clear. Physicists talk about it in their spare time. No actual work is being done or ever has been done to prove or disprove Newton’s theory
Ian Sawyer says that the concept of a heaven is a ‘demonstrably man-made idea’
Science proves its experimental findings by demonstrating that they can be infallibly repeated
A scientific demonstration is a practical experiment before witnesses
 Ian does not show or describe his experiment on this issue but says instead (without sources or references) that our ancestors were naive and ignorant.
 You want to know whether atheists get into Heaven or not
 In the bible the Holy Ghost voluntarily enters the bodies of apostles and followers of Jesus’ teaching
 giving each a gift such as healing, prophecy, tongues, knowledge etc
 This was called being ‘born again.’ All their sins were forgiven. They were incapable of sinning again. And their place in Heaven was assured
 In the modern Protestant church everyone who says the magic words ‘I believe in Jesus’ is instantly born again
 The Roman Catholic church believe that their priests decide who will or will not get in to Heaven.
 There are more people outside the church who demonstrably have gifts of healing, prophecy, tongues and knowledge than inside the church
 Protestant leaders and preachers say that every one of them to a man, has received the gift of preaching / biblical knowledge. However if proof of a gift is that it works then proof of the gift of preaching is that you convert people. Most Protestant preachers don’t.
 The Spiritualist churches have 15,000,000 adherents worldwide
 They have been conducting experiments and demonstrations of life after death outside the material dimension for 170 years
Amazon dotcom has 20,000 results for < spiritualism > in books
 Spiritualism has identified a place which is neither Heaven nor Hell
to which all dead people go as long as they are not out and out evil. This includes both religious people and atheists
 And as a result of what spirits are taught there and the work that they do there, they can be stair-stepped into Heaven or, presumably, the other place
 If a loving God does exist then which is more likely?
 That he takes a small number into Heaven because they said four magic words,
 and lets the vast majority perish
 or that everyone, no matter what they believe, are taken to an enlarged version of Purgatory where they are taught, first-hand, what God’s requirements are?
 You decide
 Blog : God And Science Debate

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