Saturday 16 June 2018

"Can I go to Heaven without the Holy Spirit?"

 This refers to the philosophy of being ‘born again’ when the fullness of the Holy Ghost enters into you
Garry De Vries, Bible Teacher (1980-present) has answered this question by quoting John 3:5 : ’Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God’
If that is prosaically true and being born of the spirit is proven by the demonstration of gifts, as Paul believed, then Garry and most of the church have a problem
 John 3 is Jesus at his most mystical
 Christian church bible teachers habitually take mystical phrases and pronouncements and try to apply them to everyday life
 which is like talking poetry when you’re trying to buy cabbages
 In John 3:13 KJV Jesus said ‘no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, and that even applies to the Son of Man’
 If you apply that to the world in the same literal manner then those in Heaven are re-born into a human body for a purpose, and when that body dies they return to Heaven.
 So their return to Heaven is predestined and the Holy Ghost has nothing to do with it
 Jesus actually explained what John 3:5 means
 He said ‘The wind blows where it wants and you hear its sound, but you can’t tell where it comes from or where it goes. That is how it is to those who are born of the spirit’ (KJV)
 The church believes it is a factory for turning ordinary people into born again Christians, yet here, Jesus says that cannot be done.
 The Holy Ghost in personality goes where it wants, to whoever it wants, in any way that it wants
 and neither the church nor the bible have any say in its choices
 The Christian church does not own the Holy Ghost
 It has no franchise over it
It cannot control it or predict it
And the bible does not direct it or guide it or limit it
 The Holy Ghost is TIME
 TIME creates space
 The Holy Ghost is everything you see with your eyes
 He/She is your environment. You live within the Holy Ghost
Every human connects with the Holy Ghost the minute they go into reverie, deep thought, prayer or meditation
 The Holy Ghost is personally present whenever anyone worships God
 in any place at any time, irrespective of religion, creed or belief
 The Holy Ghost is personally present at any and all sacrificial action
 which is when you give up something to help someone else
When Jesus was dieing on the cross, he told the criminal on the cross next to him that he would take him into Paradise, which is the highest of the heaven levels.
He did not say ‘after you are born of water and the spirit’
He said ‘TODAY you will be with me in Paradise’ and he took him
 The answer to the question is that it is not an issue of magic ritual
Lord Jesus alone will decide whether or not you get into Heaven 
 He gave his requirements in the form of 40 commandments at the sermon on the mount in Mathew chapters 5, 6 & 7
Blog : Grow Your Church

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