Thursday, 21 June 2018

“Is the Old Testament still relevant? Should I spend my time studying the New Testament or the Old Testament?”

The New Testament is very clear (in numerous places) that Lord Jesus was the creator of your universe and that he maintains your universe
It naturally follows that he was the God of the Old Testament
This contradicts the Christian Pharisee propaganda that Jesus forgives everyone who asks, and opens the doors of Heaven to everyone who ‘believes’
In the Old Testament, Lord Jesus as God intervened on Earth through angels, through the Holy Ghost, and by means of The Temple - whether carried as an ark or built of stone
In the New Testament, Lord Jesus incarnated, and walked among us as a human
He said he did that to bring the laws of the Old Covenant to an end, and to establish a New Covenant of love
Between the disaster at Eden and The Crucifixion your world was under the lawful rulership of Satan
This meant that The Earth was operating under the default of Creation Law which requires blood sacrifice to settle evil
During the entire three years of Jesus’ ministry he performed healing miracles continuously and material miracles regularly
The entire Pharisee religion moved against him, supported by the scribes and other temple officials. They did everything they could to kill him
Because Jesus did not know how long he was going to survive
he gave his entire message up-front, right at the start of his ministry
Jesus’ 40 commandments given at the sermon on the mount are his primary message to humanity (Mathew chapters 5–7)
Everything else in the New Testament explains, expands or illustrates these commandments
In the modern church, Christian Pharisees promote the following nonsense :-
Anyone and everyone who says the 4 magic words; “I believe in Jesus” immediately has their sins forgiven and is automatically guaranteed a place in Heaven
Spiritual growth is an intellectual process achieved through reading the bible. There is no requirement to do anything in the real world other than recruit others. Alleviating suffering, for example, is not necessary, but is covered by charitable giving 
The entire bible, cover to cover, is the inerrant word of God
This means that the direct commandments of Jesus have no more authority than the letters of Paul or the sayings of the most obscure Old Testament prophet.
So Jesus’ 40 commandments at the sermon on the mount have no more importance than any other verse or passage anywhere in the bible
The truth of Christianity is that you should give study preference to Jesus’ 40 commandments given at the sermon on the mount
and then you should get up off your comfortable seat and walk outside of your warm house and find some way to alleviate suffering in the real world
If that leaves you time to spare then study the 4 gospels
Anyone who has the time to study beyond the four gospels should audit their life to ensure that such a lunatic waste of time is justified
Old people are going hungry in UK NHS hospitals because nurses don’t have time to feed them. But if we ran a competition called ‘Spot The Thin Christian Pharisee’ we’d have difficulty giving away the prize
Blog : Grow Your Church

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