Wednesday, 6 June 2018

How to get into Heaven

 The Protestant church says that all its members will go to Heaven because they have all received the fullness of the Holy Ghost, and from that point on they are incapable of sin.
 The Roman Catholic church says that each Church congregation will march into Heaven as a right, behind the lawful authority of its Priest.
 However, as substantial numbers of clergy in both those religions have been prosecuted for sex crimes it is clear that neither religion will be ordering Heaven any time soon.
 The world is divided between those who alleviate suffering and those who do not alleviate suffering.
 Those who alleviate suffering are on the path to Heaven
 Those who do not alleviate suffering have a hard time getting into Heaven
 A Christian church that is not directly alleviating suffering (donations to third-parties and charities do not count) is reliant on worship to get its members into Heaven.
 ’Worship’ is the domain of the Holy Ghost who is present wherever two or more people meet to worship God in or out of any religion anywhere in the world.
 To get into the Lower Heaven by worship alone requires the following :-
  • The judgement decision of Lord Jesus
  • The approval of Lord Melchizedek
  • Someone already in the Lower Heaven (The Worship Worlds) putting your name forward.
 Your case is enhanced by the level to which you have attempted to live according to the 40 commandments given by Lord Jesus at the Sermon On The Mount.
 These are the founding principles, guiding facts, key theology and (almost) the only must do’s of Jesus Christianity. The Apostle Paul lived his life by them, built his church around them, and would be astonished that the modern church has moved so far away from them.
 Those who are alleviating suffering can gain additional power by applying Jesus’ 40 commandments.
 Between Eden and The Crucifixion, Satan was the lawful ruler of Planet Earth.
 Under his rule external magic worked. External magic powers were available and could be used.
 After The Crucifixion and the destruction of the second Temple, all external magic ended on Earth.
 Humans could then develop and use their will to attain and use magical effect.
 So where did all the external magic go?
 Jesus made his 40 commandments into holy rituals of the Temple Of God (which is central to the Lower Heaven).
 Each of those holy rituals bestows a power above and beyond the practitioners own nature and abilities.
 Jesus’ 40 commandments are practical ways to engage with life. They are the method by which Jesus Christians engage with the world.
 In contrast, Christian Pharisee propaganda is that you can get into Heaven by doing nothing more than reading a bible and telling others what is in it.
 Blind Churches lock their doors on the world while zombie congregations trudge round and round in an endless circle, achieving, nothing but exempting atheists from the experience.
 Blog : Grow Your Church

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