Wednesday, 13 June 2018

If Jesus is God and the Second Person of the Trinity, why did God the Father have to anoint Jesus during his water baptism with powers to perform miracles

God The Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time, in eternity
He may be eternity for all we know
He tore a hole in the fabric of eternity and filled it with an expansion of himself.
That expansion was God the Son.
God the Son is The Creation, contains The Creation and moves in personality in The Creation
God The Father sent his power through God the Son into The Creation in the form of the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost is TIME and time creates space
The Holy Ghost combined with other elements and became the building blocks with which all that is in The Creation was built
‘The Creation’ contains matter, energy space and time and the absence of time in the form of dimensions and levels within dimensions.
One of these dimensions is the material dimension in which you live
The material dimension contains a number of universes
Each universe is created by / built upon / is …
a Creator Aspect of God The Son
Hebrews 1:9, Job 1:6
Lord Jesus is the creator aspect of God the Son who is your universe, constructed your universe, and upon whom your universe stands (revolves)
Father, Son & Holy Ghost all have life
All life has personality
All personality is individual
When the individual personalities of Father, Son & Holy Ghost combine they are known as The Trinity 
The Trinity is love
Whenever love springs into existence between two people that love is The Trinity
The Holy Ghost is the sexual element of love within The Trinity
The Holy Ghost is TIME, space and orgasm
and has personality
The Christian story is that The Trinity directly impregnated Mary
through sex outside of marriage
This was lawful because The Trinity is love and marriage is its servant
The Christian story is that Mary’s egg was impregnated without a sperm cell
or a sperm cell (DNA) was magically created out of nowhere
It is perfectly feasible that the Holy Ghost had sex with Mary and brought her to orgasm. That is the sort of thing the Holy Ghost does
There are also solid grounds to believe that the human form of Jesus was inhabited by the Holy Ghost from a young age. That also is feasible.
The only actual mystery is where the sperm came from that fertilized Mary’s egg.
In traditional Christianity the Holy Ghost enters a human at baptism or when someone filled with the Holy Ghost lays hands on another.
There is then a period when the Holy Ghost decides to stay or leave
If the Holy Ghost decides to stay he/she gives the human host a series of tests
If a test is failed the human host remains at that level and progresses no further
Jesus body was already host to the Holy Ghost
so at Jesus’ baptism a human body was not entered by the Holy Ghost
but in fact the Holy Ghost was entered by Lord Jesus the Creator Aspect of God the Son, the creator of your universe, upon whom your universe depends
Even those in the Upper Heaven can be in a number of places at once
God The Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time
He also exists in your soul. You know him as your conscience
God the Father existed in Jesus’ soul
and the Holy Ghost was in him since birth
A creator aspect of God the Son now entered his body
And because each creator aspect is part & parcel of God the Son
Jesus’ body now contained The Trinity
The Trinity is love
and love performs miracles 
Next question?
Blog : Grow Your Church

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