Sunday 29 April 2018

Will lazy people enter Heaven?

 Will lazy people enter into heaven as per The Christian church?
 The Christian church believes they will. Most of the Christian church are lazy.
 Will lazy people enter into heaven as per Jesus’ Christianity?
 Everyone in the world is lazy at some stage in their lives.
 Jesus’ Christianity is a religion of suffering and sacrifice.
 If lazy people live a life of suffering and sacrifice Jesus decision may fall in their favour
In Isaiah 45:7 KJV, God says :-
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things"
 The message of the book of Job is that everything that happens in your life is God’s will.
Here is what happened to Jesus’ direct disciples (his greatest friends on Earth) …
 Simon-Peter was crucified upside down
Andrew was scourged, and then tied to a cross, dieing two days later
 James, son of Zebedee, was executed with a sword. 
Philip was scourged, thrown into prison, and crucifiedBartholomew was either beaten and crucified or skinned alive and beheaded
 Thomas was martyred by being run through with a spear
Matthew was stabbed in the back by a swordsman sent by the King 
James, son of Alphaeus, was beaten, stoned, and then killed by being hit on the head with a club.
Thaddaeus / Lebbaeus / Jude was crucified 
 Simon was crucified in England
Judas either hanged himself or fell headlong from a high place so that “he burst asunder
 John passed away peacefully in Patmos in his old age
 In God’s version of the English language the word “Holy” means sacrifice.
 Contrary to what the Word Worshippers tell each other, the phrase “Holy Bible” means “Book Of Sacrifice
 Jesus’ religion is a religion of daily sacrificial suffering, ideally for others
 and if there is no sacrificial suffering it is not Jesus’ Christianity
 However lack of sacrificial suffering does not disbar people from the Lower Heaven
 Lord Jesus, the ruler of your universe, made it easier to attain Heaven and more difficult to fall into Hell, by creating a gradient of landscapes between you and those destinations.
 This means your life on Earth is not “It” as the Christian church teaches.
 Your life on Earth is only the first stage towards “It”
 Lord Jesus put a gate between The Worship Worlds and Heaven
 and called the worship worlds the Lower Heaven
 Humans can enter the Lower Heaven in a state of sin
and spend some lifetimes worshipping God there.
 Worship of God slowly erodes sin.
 When they are sin-free they may then be accepted into the Higher Heaven levels
 You can be accepted into the Lower Heaven when you die by :-
 Lord Jesus’ Judgement & recommendation
 Lord Melchizedek’s approval agreement
 If one or more people already there ask for you
(You will notice that I have not mentioned religion or doctrine at all)
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