Thursday 5 April 2018

"How can I believe in Catholicism again"

The Roman Catholic church believes that it is the direct disciplic line from the first church which was created by Jesus direct disciple, Peter.
As a result of that they believe the Pope has authority as Jesus’ direct disciple.
They believe the Holy Ghost directly anoints the Pope and he passes on that anointing to his Bishops.
‘Holy Orders’ is the sacrament or rite of ordination received by a bishop, priest, or deacon. The Vatican says that the sacrament of Holy Orders communicates a "sacred power" which is none other than that of Christ.
The teaching of the Roman Catholic church is that its priests have the power of Godin them and should be treated as being of God.
For the last 30 years the Roman Catholic church has been rocked by sex scandalsinvolving its priests at every level.
If an ordained priest or bishop has the power of the Holy Ghost (God) in him, then he should be able to look into the heart of anyone who wants to be a priest, and easily identify a criminal or person who is sexually weak.
This has not happened.
It has not happened because the vast majority of priests do not have the power of the Holy Ghost in them, and the small percentage that do, do not have that power in biblical strength.
Whether it is the Roman Catholic church or the Protestant church or any other church the reality is that no clergy has the power they pretend they have.
It is a bluff. It is a con trick. And it always has been.
But that does not mean that Jesus never existed
It does not mean that the bible is false
And it does not mean that the church has no role to play in your life
You do not have to believe in Catholicism to go to church and worship God.
Worship of God slowly erodes sin.
You do not have to believe in Catholicism to go to church and take the bread & the wine. This was Jesus’ gift to humanity, not to the church.
This ceremony has the power to settle evil. Use it.
The Lower Heaven is also called ‘The Worship Worlds’.
Jesus gated it off from the Upper Heaven.
Humans in a condition of sin can now be admitted to the Lower Heaven
and by dedicating themselves to worship of God, slowly erode their sin
until they qualify for admission to the Higher Heaven.
The Lower Heaven looks exactly like all the Sunday School pictures portrayed it.
Millions in white, in tiered ranks by the hundred, worshiping God.
And as long as the quality of your worship is good, you don’t need to believe in or practice any particular doctrine to get in, because they teach you the truth when you get there.
“How can you believe in Catholicism again” is not the issue
The issue is do you believe in Jesus?
You will find him with those who mourn. And with those who despair.
You will find him among the weakest members of society. And by the criminal.
The signal crime of the christian churches is not the bluffing and deceit of their clergy. It is their failure to understand that Jesus voluntary crucifixion continues to this day. He sentenced himself to accept the suffering of every human who suffers, and to stand beside them in equal marriage with their agony.
Any suffering that the church alleviates, lifts that particular burden off Jesus’ shoulders.
If a Church is not alleviating suffering it is doing nothing for Jesus
If any church doctrine is causing suffering, that church is adding to Jesus’ suffering.
“How can you believe in Catholicism again” is a paper-pushers view of religion.
You want to sit on soft cushions in a warm house and get your mind all settled as to what is nice and what is naughty
while people are sleeping in doorways, queuing at Food Banks, dieing of loneliness, and committing suicide over debt.

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