Friday 27 April 2018

If God makes me into a sinner and I repent will he forgive me?

God The Father forgives no one nothing, ever
Think of him as a living computer
He corrects your spirit by consequences.
If that doesn’t work he removes your personality and takes you back within him
Lord Jesus enforces God The Father’s law in your universe
He has complete latitude in how he enforces it
God The Father specifies Hell for correction and Heaven for reward
Lord Jesus creates a spectrum of landscapes between those two.
In that each landscape leads towards Heaven or Hell, The Father’s will remains intact
Christians have written books about “Grace”. Huge great volumes.
But all that “Grace” means is that Lord Jesus has complete authority over you and complete authority to do whatever he wants within the parameters of The Father’s law. He exercises that authority
The Christian church can quote the bible to Lord Jesus until they are blue in the face. He will do whatever he wants.
The Christian church can tell people that breaking this rule or that law means they go to Hell. Lord Jesus will rule however he chooses.
The Christian church will tell you what you need to do to get into Heaven
but if Lord Jesus decides to send you somewhere else, somewhere else you will go.


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