Monday 23 April 2018

"How do I hear God's answer to my prayer?"

God The Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time in eternity.
He also exists in your soul
You know him as your conscience
Your conscience is that which tells you what is right or wrong
It is “gut feeling”
It is “instinct”
“I don’t feel that is right for me”
You just know it but you don’t know why you know it
If you make an effort to work with your conscience
… to ask it questions
… to get into conversation with it
communication between you and your conscience (God The Father) will grow and develop and become easier to understand and follow
Pastors, Priests, Clerics and the clergy often develop a relationship with their conscience to such a high level that they can hear it speak in their head.
Many Churches and religions are run on nothing more.
Your conscience (God The Father) only gives you advice that relates to you and to your life.
He / It does not give you messages for other people. Ever.
A Pastor will listen to his conscience and receive advice from God about his own conduct and his own life, and then he will stand in front of his Church and say “God has given me a message for you.”
Don’t fall into that error
When you have developed a relationship with your conscience to a level that you do what it tells you, even when you don’t want to, your life will slowly start to go right again and you will be directed towards your life purpose.
Your prayers go to Lord Jesus who is in charge of Heaven and your universe.
You will be able to hear his answers after you have trained yourself to listen and pushed your abilities to hear.
You communicate with Lord Jesus in the same way you communicate with your conscience (God The Father), except it is a little more difficult which means you have to make more effort and it takes longer.
Lord Jesus is outside of you
God The Father is inside of you
Lord Jesus is beside you and in fellowship with you when you are suffering
God The Father directly causes everything that goes right and wrong in your life.
Lord Jesus may petition God The Father not to be so hard on you.
Lord Jesus is like your mother. He holds you in his heart.
God The Father takes no shit.

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