Monday 16 April 2018

The Sex Robots are coming

Within our lifetime the first 
sex robots will become available.
These will look and talk like whatever the market requires
and they will appear to respond during the sex act
In the same way that computer software advances in leaps and mega-bounds
so sex robots will become more and more sophisticated very quickly,
eventually walking, talking, interacting and enthusiastically participating in sexual athletics
Imagine a world where every person can indulge their darkest, most forbidden desires to the fullest possible extent
and go beyond even that
And they commit no crime
There is no legal obstacle 
and there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.
And they can do it as much and as often and with as many people of any apparent age, as they desire
That is Sex Robot World
And it is coming to your life
One of the elements of chaos that sex robots bring to society is that burglary, robot rape, theft, robot-kidnapping, robot-sex-slavery and ransom crimes go through the roof.
If you take the crime level today and 10x it you get the picture.
That leads to populations voting to have themselves and their possessions chipped and ‘eye-in-the-sky’ monitored 24/7 by Governments.
An unexpected side effect of that is that the tax take from monitored populations multiplies beyond all expectations.
Governments all around the world find that an avalanche of cash starts coming in, and it doesn’t stop coming.
A large percentage of the population will fall in love with their sex robots 
and marry them. Churches will spring up for that purpose.
This will have such an adverse affect on society, and population numbers will go into such a steep decline, that Governments all over the world will eventually ban all personal ownership of humanoid robots.
Governments will exclude themselves from these laws.
They pour the avalanche of money into more and more sophisticated robotics
and more and more sophisticated weaponry
The situation very quickly arises that Governments have such power of control over their populations, and such astonishing robotics and weaponry, that any Government that decides to stay in power, stays in power
And there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
Future populations will curse the day the internet was invented
and will look back at the pre-internet age with romantic longing.

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