Thursday 19 April 2018

Are all the technologies in this world a blessing from God, a snare by Satan, or just the creation of humans?

Everything was sweet, right up until the Internal Combustion Engine
Horse-drawn transport = no problem
Water-power machinery = OK if localised
Petrol Engine and above = more bad than good
If Time Travel exists at any point in the future - no matter how distant, you know three things straight away …
Once discovered it will quickly develop into a powerful ‘no limit’ technology
Somewhere in the future world some group of humans are going to abuse it, which means you, personally will suffer
The effects of that abuse are already happening right here, right now
Q : Is there any evidence of Time Travelers in your newspapers?
A : Why people think that UFOs are aliens from another planet I have no idea.
You only have to look into the night sky to see the nonsense of that idea.
Look at the number of stars. Imagine trying to find a particular planet in that lot. Because the mass of stars you can see with your eyes goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on, near enough forever. The only way God could have hidden your world better is if he made it physically invisible.
Of course they’re not aliens. What a stupid idea.
Forgetting that lunacy, what else could they possibly be than Time Travelers from your future?
If Time Travel is a reality and if UFOs are time travelers from your future
then the most obvious thing about them is that they’re here in billion-dollar Time Ships with trained, disciplined crews - a Time Corps
They’re here at massive expense to their Government and by huge technological effort.
So they’re not sight-seeing are they. They’re here for a purpose.
And that purpose is big.
If that purpose benefited you then they would land, make contact, and tell your leaders about it wouldn’t they.
But that’s not what they do is it.
They sneak in to your time period, hide in space, launch smaller craft to do whatever dirty-work they’re here to do, and then sneak back to where they came from. 
It must surely be obvious to the dimmest human that they are here to reap a massive benefit to themselves, and the heavy cost of their action is to be carried by you, your children and your grandchildren.
All technologies and inventions after and including the Internal Combustion (Petrol) Engine have added layer upon layer upon layer of stress onto your life.
Each one of these inventions benefits humanity long-term, but if you were able to see how they destroy your peace of mind and quality of life you would realise they do more harm than good to you and your immediate descendants.
The real benefit of these technologies and inventions is to people a thousand years in the future. 
Your suffering - your stressed out, wrecked lives of technological shit benefits them massively.
Time Travelers from the future introduce inventions and technologies to your world on an ongoing basis. And they do worse, much worse than that.
Is the price of their extra ease and comfort one you are happy to pay? 

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