Thursday 19 April 2018

"Am I dead and this is Hell?"

“Am I dead and this is hell?”

 You would think so wouldn’t you
 In some respects Hell is better than Earth. At least you know where you stand there.
 Right at the beginning of the bible, the book of Genesis acknowledges that your universe was not meant to be like this, but something went horribly, horribly wrong.
 As Lord Jesus was the creator aspect of God The Son who created your universe it would seem logical that whatever went wrong was his fault
 The fact that Lord Jesus incarnated and allowed humans to crucify him shows that he accepted the guilt.
 And the fact that he committed himself to be present in personality beside every living thing that suffers, ever, forever, indicates genuine regret.
 However the bible story is that humans were responsible for whatever went wrong, and Jesus accepted their guilt upon his shoulders as an act of love. I, personally, regard this as suspect theology.
 What we now have is a world, and probably a universe, under default.
 God The Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time in eternity.
 He may be eternity for all we know.
 He expanded himself to create God The Son who is The Creation, contains The Creation and moves in personality in The Creation
The Creation is a ball floating in the sea of eternity
 The Creation contains a number of universes, each of which is created by and revolves upon a Creator Aspect of God The Son. In your case, Lord Jesus.
 Lord Jesus is the supreme ruler of your universe and he moves in personality in your universe
 but that does not take away from the fact that he is also a structure and your universe is built upon him.
 If you think of God The Father as a living computer you will be heading in the right direction
 He underpinned The Creation (God The Son) with a default
 If God The Son or any of his aspects messed up a universe it would not destruct, it would fall back into default. And that is what happened with your world.
 Here are the default laws of God The Father
These laws dictate everything that happens in your world
 The first law is “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind”
 In this law, “the Lord thy God” is love.
 When two people fall in love that love is God. God in the form of The Trinitymanifests as a third party in the relationship; love.
 When you fall in love you will commit to that love (not the other person, the love) with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind, for life.
 In as much as humanity conforms to this law, the world goes right for humanity. In as much as humanity breaks this law the world goes badly for them
 The second law is “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
 The Creation is a legal enterprise. Your universe, your world and your life are bounded by, and dictated entirely by legal structure.
 Everything that God or life or any force of nature does to you MUST be lawful.
 Everything that God or life or any force of nature does to you is a direct result of how well or how badly you conform to this second law
 These two Laws Of Creation are not optional. You have no choice in the matter. They are in force and are enforced every day of your life whether you like it or not.
 If you think of God The Father as a living computer you will be heading in the right direction
 A living computer does not punish because to punish would require aspects that a computer does not have. 
 What God The Father thinks he has established in your world is a plain, straight-forward system of Consequences
 You suffer sadness, pain, grief, despair, mourning, injury and death. He thinks you are coming up against consequences which you will learn from.
 I have not, at any stage, indicated I agree with what has been done on your world. I have simply stated what has been done and why it has been done.

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