Sunday, 29 April 2018

Will lazy people enter Heaven?

 Will lazy people enter into heaven as per The Christian church?
 The Christian church believes they will. Most of the Christian church are lazy.
 Will lazy people enter into heaven as per Jesus’ Christianity?
 Everyone in the world is lazy at some stage in their lives.
 Jesus’ Christianity is a religion of suffering and sacrifice.
 If lazy people live a life of suffering and sacrifice Jesus decision may fall in their favour
In Isaiah 45:7 KJV, God says :-
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things"
 The message of the book of Job is that everything that happens in your life is God’s will.
Here is what happened to Jesus’ direct disciples (his greatest friends on Earth) …
 Simon-Peter was crucified upside down
Andrew was scourged, and then tied to a cross, dieing two days later
 James, son of Zebedee, was executed with a sword. 
Philip was scourged, thrown into prison, and crucifiedBartholomew was either beaten and crucified or skinned alive and beheaded
 Thomas was martyred by being run through with a spear
Matthew was stabbed in the back by a swordsman sent by the King 
James, son of Alphaeus, was beaten, stoned, and then killed by being hit on the head with a club.
Thaddaeus / Lebbaeus / Jude was crucified 
 Simon was crucified in England
Judas either hanged himself or fell headlong from a high place so that “he burst asunder
 John passed away peacefully in Patmos in his old age
 In God’s version of the English language the word “Holy” means sacrifice.
 Contrary to what the Word Worshippers tell each other, the phrase “Holy Bible” means “Book Of Sacrifice
 Jesus’ religion is a religion of daily sacrificial suffering, ideally for others
 and if there is no sacrificial suffering it is not Jesus’ Christianity
 However lack of sacrificial suffering does not disbar people from the Lower Heaven
 Lord Jesus, the ruler of your universe, made it easier to attain Heaven and more difficult to fall into Hell, by creating a gradient of landscapes between you and those destinations.
 This means your life on Earth is not “It” as the Christian church teaches.
 Your life on Earth is only the first stage towards “It”
 Lord Jesus put a gate between The Worship Worlds and Heaven
 and called the worship worlds the Lower Heaven
 Humans can enter the Lower Heaven in a state of sin
and spend some lifetimes worshipping God there.
 Worship of God slowly erodes sin.
 When they are sin-free they may then be accepted into the Higher Heaven levels
 You can be accepted into the Lower Heaven when you die by :-
 Lord Jesus’ Judgement & recommendation
 Lord Melchizedek’s approval agreement
 If one or more people already there ask for you
(You will notice that I have not mentioned religion or doctrine at all)
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Friday, 27 April 2018

If God makes me into a sinner and I repent will he forgive me?

God The Father forgives no one nothing, ever
Think of him as a living computer
He corrects your spirit by consequences.
If that doesn’t work he removes your personality and takes you back within him
Lord Jesus enforces God The Father’s law in your universe
He has complete latitude in how he enforces it
God The Father specifies Hell for correction and Heaven for reward
Lord Jesus creates a spectrum of landscapes between those two.
In that each landscape leads towards Heaven or Hell, The Father’s will remains intact
Christians have written books about “Grace”. Huge great volumes.
But all that “Grace” means is that Lord Jesus has complete authority over you and complete authority to do whatever he wants within the parameters of The Father’s law. He exercises that authority
The Christian church can quote the bible to Lord Jesus until they are blue in the face. He will do whatever he wants.
The Christian church can tell people that breaking this rule or that law means they go to Hell. Lord Jesus will rule however he chooses.
The Christian church will tell you what you need to do to get into Heaven
but if Lord Jesus decides to send you somewhere else, somewhere else you will go.


Monday, 23 April 2018

"Why is there a heaven or hell when God controls past, present and future?"

Use your eyes. Look around you. Look at the natural world. Look at the universe
The most obvious thing about The Creation is that God creates multiple varieties of everything.
Your own basic common-sense must tell you that when God creates something he is naturally inclined to create a billion varieties. Some times he limits himself to a million varieties. And on rare occasions he throttles back to a thousand
One of the great mysteries of humanity is how the Christian church has, for 2,000 years, persuaded people that God only made two options after death; Heaven or Hell.
How could the church get away with this
when people can see with their own eyes that it is almost impossible for God to create just two of anything
However the main point of your question is “If God determines your past, present and future, how can you then be punished or rewarded?”
The answer to that is that Heaven and Hell are real and the material dimension (The Earthis not real
Your spirit is real. The Human character you are currently playing is not real.
In the video game of Life, the Human character has a thousand or a million or a billion options, and the Spirit player must chose a way through those options.
Each player will select a different route through the life of the character they are playing.
At the end of the game the spirit player will either have used the human character to improve their spirit, in which case they move up a level in Heaven.
Or the spirit player will have allowed the human character to dominate and infect their spirit, in which case they will have to spend time in Hell to boil it off and be decontaminated.

"How do I hear God's answer to my prayer?"

God The Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time in eternity.
He also exists in your soul
You know him as your conscience
Your conscience is that which tells you what is right or wrong
It is “gut feeling”
It is “instinct”
“I don’t feel that is right for me”
You just know it but you don’t know why you know it
If you make an effort to work with your conscience
… to ask it questions
… to get into conversation with it
communication between you and your conscience (God The Father) will grow and develop and become easier to understand and follow
Pastors, Priests, Clerics and the clergy often develop a relationship with their conscience to such a high level that they can hear it speak in their head.
Many Churches and religions are run on nothing more.
Your conscience (God The Father) only gives you advice that relates to you and to your life.
He / It does not give you messages for other people. Ever.
A Pastor will listen to his conscience and receive advice from God about his own conduct and his own life, and then he will stand in front of his Church and say “God has given me a message for you.”
Don’t fall into that error
When you have developed a relationship with your conscience to a level that you do what it tells you, even when you don’t want to, your life will slowly start to go right again and you will be directed towards your life purpose.
Your prayers go to Lord Jesus who is in charge of Heaven and your universe.
You will be able to hear his answers after you have trained yourself to listen and pushed your abilities to hear.
You communicate with Lord Jesus in the same way you communicate with your conscience (God The Father), except it is a little more difficult which means you have to make more effort and it takes longer.
Lord Jesus is outside of you
God The Father is inside of you
Lord Jesus is beside you and in fellowship with you when you are suffering
God The Father directly causes everything that goes right and wrong in your life.
Lord Jesus may petition God The Father not to be so hard on you.
Lord Jesus is like your mother. He holds you in his heart.
God The Father takes no shit.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

"Am I dead and this is Hell?"

“Am I dead and this is hell?”

 You would think so wouldn’t you
 In some respects Hell is better than Earth. At least you know where you stand there.
 Right at the beginning of the bible, the book of Genesis acknowledges that your universe was not meant to be like this, but something went horribly, horribly wrong.
 As Lord Jesus was the creator aspect of God The Son who created your universe it would seem logical that whatever went wrong was his fault
 The fact that Lord Jesus incarnated and allowed humans to crucify him shows that he accepted the guilt.
 And the fact that he committed himself to be present in personality beside every living thing that suffers, ever, forever, indicates genuine regret.
 However the bible story is that humans were responsible for whatever went wrong, and Jesus accepted their guilt upon his shoulders as an act of love. I, personally, regard this as suspect theology.
 What we now have is a world, and probably a universe, under default.
 God The Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time in eternity.
 He may be eternity for all we know.
 He expanded himself to create God The Son who is The Creation, contains The Creation and moves in personality in The Creation
The Creation is a ball floating in the sea of eternity
 The Creation contains a number of universes, each of which is created by and revolves upon a Creator Aspect of God The Son. In your case, Lord Jesus.
 Lord Jesus is the supreme ruler of your universe and he moves in personality in your universe
 but that does not take away from the fact that he is also a structure and your universe is built upon him.
 If you think of God The Father as a living computer you will be heading in the right direction
 He underpinned The Creation (God The Son) with a default
 If God The Son or any of his aspects messed up a universe it would not destruct, it would fall back into default. And that is what happened with your world.
 Here are the default laws of God The Father
These laws dictate everything that happens in your world
 The first law is “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind”
 In this law, “the Lord thy God” is love.
 When two people fall in love that love is God. God in the form of The Trinitymanifests as a third party in the relationship; love.
 When you fall in love you will commit to that love (not the other person, the love) with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind, for life.
 In as much as humanity conforms to this law, the world goes right for humanity. In as much as humanity breaks this law the world goes badly for them
 The second law is “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
 The Creation is a legal enterprise. Your universe, your world and your life are bounded by, and dictated entirely by legal structure.
 Everything that God or life or any force of nature does to you MUST be lawful.
 Everything that God or life or any force of nature does to you is a direct result of how well or how badly you conform to this second law
 These two Laws Of Creation are not optional. You have no choice in the matter. They are in force and are enforced every day of your life whether you like it or not.
 If you think of God The Father as a living computer you will be heading in the right direction
 A living computer does not punish because to punish would require aspects that a computer does not have. 
 What God The Father thinks he has established in your world is a plain, straight-forward system of Consequences
 You suffer sadness, pain, grief, despair, mourning, injury and death. He thinks you are coming up against consequences which you will learn from.
 I have not, at any stage, indicated I agree with what has been done on your world. I have simply stated what has been done and why it has been done.

Are all the technologies in this world a blessing from God, a snare by Satan, or just the creation of humans?

Everything was sweet, right up until the Internal Combustion Engine
Horse-drawn transport = no problem
Water-power machinery = OK if localised
Petrol Engine and above = more bad than good
If Time Travel exists at any point in the future - no matter how distant, you know three things straight away …
Once discovered it will quickly develop into a powerful ‘no limit’ technology
Somewhere in the future world some group of humans are going to abuse it, which means you, personally will suffer
The effects of that abuse are already happening right here, right now
Q : Is there any evidence of Time Travelers in your newspapers?
A : Why people think that UFOs are aliens from another planet I have no idea.
You only have to look into the night sky to see the nonsense of that idea.
Look at the number of stars. Imagine trying to find a particular planet in that lot. Because the mass of stars you can see with your eyes goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on, near enough forever. The only way God could have hidden your world better is if he made it physically invisible.
Of course they’re not aliens. What a stupid idea.
Forgetting that lunacy, what else could they possibly be than Time Travelers from your future?
If Time Travel is a reality and if UFOs are time travelers from your future
then the most obvious thing about them is that they’re here in billion-dollar Time Ships with trained, disciplined crews - a Time Corps
They’re here at massive expense to their Government and by huge technological effort.
So they’re not sight-seeing are they. They’re here for a purpose.
And that purpose is big.
If that purpose benefited you then they would land, make contact, and tell your leaders about it wouldn’t they.
But that’s not what they do is it.
They sneak in to your time period, hide in space, launch smaller craft to do whatever dirty-work they’re here to do, and then sneak back to where they came from. 
It must surely be obvious to the dimmest human that they are here to reap a massive benefit to themselves, and the heavy cost of their action is to be carried by you, your children and your grandchildren.
All technologies and inventions after and including the Internal Combustion (Petrol) Engine have added layer upon layer upon layer of stress onto your life.
Each one of these inventions benefits humanity long-term, but if you were able to see how they destroy your peace of mind and quality of life you would realise they do more harm than good to you and your immediate descendants.
The real benefit of these technologies and inventions is to people a thousand years in the future. 
Your suffering - your stressed out, wrecked lives of technological shit benefits them massively.
Time Travelers from the future introduce inventions and technologies to your world on an ongoing basis. And they do worse, much worse than that.
Is the price of their extra ease and comfort one you are happy to pay? 

Monday, 16 April 2018

The Sex Robots are coming

Within our lifetime the first 
sex robots will become available.
These will look and talk like whatever the market requires
and they will appear to respond during the sex act
In the same way that computer software advances in leaps and mega-bounds
so sex robots will become more and more sophisticated very quickly,
eventually walking, talking, interacting and enthusiastically participating in sexual athletics
Imagine a world where every person can indulge their darkest, most forbidden desires to the fullest possible extent
and go beyond even that
And they commit no crime
There is no legal obstacle 
and there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.
And they can do it as much and as often and with as many people of any apparent age, as they desire
That is Sex Robot World
And it is coming to your life
One of the elements of chaos that sex robots bring to society is that burglary, robot rape, theft, robot-kidnapping, robot-sex-slavery and ransom crimes go through the roof.
If you take the crime level today and 10x it you get the picture.
That leads to populations voting to have themselves and their possessions chipped and ‘eye-in-the-sky’ monitored 24/7 by Governments.
An unexpected side effect of that is that the tax take from monitored populations multiplies beyond all expectations.
Governments all around the world find that an avalanche of cash starts coming in, and it doesn’t stop coming.
A large percentage of the population will fall in love with their sex robots 
and marry them. Churches will spring up for that purpose.
This will have such an adverse affect on society, and population numbers will go into such a steep decline, that Governments all over the world will eventually ban all personal ownership of humanoid robots.
Governments will exclude themselves from these laws.
They pour the avalanche of money into more and more sophisticated robotics
and more and more sophisticated weaponry
The situation very quickly arises that Governments have such power of control over their populations, and such astonishing robotics and weaponry, that any Government that decides to stay in power, stays in power
And there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
Future populations will curse the day the internet was invented
and will look back at the pre-internet age with romantic longing.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Is time psychological because we exist to be conscious?

British physicist Julian Barbour says that 
there is no invisible river of time that’s flowing. There are only instants of time, which he calls ‘nows’.
Barbour says that as we live we move through a succession of instants of time, ‘nows’'. (See Wikipedia entry)

An animated cartoon is made using sequential drawings.
To animate a frog jumping you draw lots of pictures of the frog. When you move from drawing to drawing really quickly your eye thinks the frog is jumping.
The character you are currently playing (your human body) is not alive and it is not moving through time.
It comprises billions of sequential pictures
As you (the spirit) move through these pictures you think that the body is alive and you think that you are moving through time.
TIME is the controlling force that, at present, only allows humans to move forward through the animated video game of life.
TIME creates space and within space creates everything that you see.
TIME also creates sequential pictures (animated life) for everything that you see; animal, vegetable, mineral, spiritual and Heavenly.
TIME is not minutes and hours as humans think.
It is the living video game that you call ‘life’.
You chose to play the character you are currently playing
as you believed its life would bring improvements to your spirit
which would allow you to move up to the next spiritual level
God The Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time, in eternity
He also exists in your soul. You know him as your conscience.
Your conscience is the reality that connects you, the character in the game, to you the spirit player.
When you develop a relationship with your own conscience to a level that you do what it advises, even when you don’t want to
you will be connected to your purpose - the reason you chose to play this particular character in the video game called life.
You win by achieving your original purpose for joining the game.
You lose by failing your original purpose.

What does God say about teenage love?

 The bible gives many clues about the nature of God The Father
 It emphasises that he is perfect and cannot accommodate anything that isn’t perfect
 So you can think of God The Father as a living computer
 He created us so he knows what we can and cannot do.
 He must accept the limits of what we can do
 He cannot accomodate what we choose not to do.
 When two people fall in love, that love is God
The bible tells us that we are expected to commit to that love with all our mind, all our heart and all our strength, for life.
 In the Old Testament they translated this into marriage.
 Creation Law requires that humans commit to love for life.
 The mechanical process of doing that has been formalised into marriage
 So when teenagers fall in love, must they marry in order to have sex?
Lord Jesus is the ruler of your universe, and he has been given latitude to decide how Creation Law will be enforced.
 Lord Jesus in High Estate is the Temple Of God in the Lower Heaven.
 The Temple Of God is the living heart of Creation Law
 and Creation Law is the foundation of your universe
 At The Sermon On The Mount, Jesus made two statements about marriage.
 He said that divorce was allowed in the case of adultery.
 And he said that anyone who looked at someone and thought about having sex with them, committed adultery
 This means that the Christian church could, if it wished, perform religious (only) marriages in order to allow couples in love to move into a sexual relationship
 And then at a later date perform a second religious & legal marriage ceremony for them
 or, if it didn’t work out, a religious (only) divorce
 Teenagers of legal voting age should be treated as adults.
 Teenagers below legal voting age should not have sex.
 However if they do, it is within the power of Lord Jesus to forgive them.
 He may well do so if they were truly in love, which means that God (love) was not dishonoured.