Thursday 8 March 2018

Would an enlightened person* know for certain whether or not there was a god?

Wikipedia says :-

”The English term enlightenment is the western translation of the term bodhi, "awakening", which was popularised in the Western world through the 19th century translations of Max Müller.
It has the western connotation of a sudden insight into a transcendental truth.

The term is also being used to translate several other Buddhist terms and concepts used to denote insight (prajna, kensho and satori); knowledge (vidhya); the "blowing out" (Nirvana) of disturbing emotions and desires and the subsequent freedom or release (vimutti); and the attainment of Buddhahood, as exemplified by Gautama Buddha.

What exactly constituted the Buddha's awakening is unknown.
It may probably have involved the knowledge that liberation was attained by the combination of mindfulness and dhyāna, applied to the understanding of the arising and ceasing of craving.
The relation between dhyana and insight is a core problem in the study of Buddhism, and is one of the fundamentals of Buddhist practice.

In the western world the concept of (spiritual) enlightenment has taken on a romantic meaning.
It has become synonymous with self-realization and the true self and false self, being regarded as a substantial essence being covered over by social conditioning”

Enlightenment in Buddhism - Wikipedia

People all over the world use their own lives as a laboratory and, through experiments, discover the reality of God

God The Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time, in eternity
He also exists in your soul. You know him as your conscience
When you develop a relationship with your own conscience to the level that you do what it tells you even when you don’t agree, your life will start to go right again
and you will be directed towards your life purpose

The Holy Ghost is TIME. Time creates space
The Holy Ghost is the video game that you call ‘life’. He is your environment
You live inside him/her
The Holy Ghost coalesces in personality wherever people worship God
no matter what their religion or doctrine

You can contact the Holy Ghost at any time and in any place
The usual ways are through prayer, meditation, deep thought or focussed reverie

Lord Jesus is the ruler of your universe
In High Estate he is the Temple Of God in the Lower Heaven
In personality he is with those who mourn, those who suffer, and the weak
In personality he is not in the Churches, though the Churches can reach him in High Estate
In personality he is available to the criminal

Every human being is at a different level of existence
The easiest way to move up the levels of existence is by using Talk Therapy
to disperse the trapped emotions of the past from your body
Scientology revolves upon a speeded-up version of Talk Therapy which delivers results in days instead of months and months instead of years. Of course, they charge $thousands for a course of treatment.

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