Monday 12 March 2018

The Holy Ghost is TIME. TIME has life and personality

God the Father exists outside matter, energy, space & time, in eternity
He may be eternity for all we know

God the Father 
expanded himself to create God the Son
God the Son
 is part & parcel of God the Father
God the Son 
is The Creation, contains The Creation and moves in personality in The Creation
The Creation is alien to eternity. God the Father created it and maintains it

God the Father
 sent his power through God the Son and created the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost is TIME. Time creates space
He is the living video game which you call 'Life'
The Holy Ghost is the environment in which you live
The Holy Ghost is part & parcel of God the Son and God the Father

The Holy Ghost 
comprises angels in hierarchy
who are all part & parcel of the greater being
which results in the greater being having a personality
above and over that of its constituent parts

TIME has life and personality

An angel is the personification of a moment in time

God the Father
 also exists in your soul
You know him as your conscience
When you develop a relationship with your conscience to the level that you do what it tells you even when you don't want to, your life will start to go right again and you will be directed towards your Life Purpose

God the Father in your soul 
is directly responsible for everything good and bad that happens to you in your life. In that manifestation he is solely focused on your life and his advice is about your life only. He does not create your life by magic. He creates it by directing the living entity who some call 'Karma.' That living entity then passes his instructions to other life forms and personifications which may well include angels

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