Wednesday 7 March 2018

Atheism on the rise

I see no evidence of ‘atheism on the rise’
You can’t throw a hymn book out of a window without hitting someone who believes in a higher power in some form
You can’t scratch the surface of an inner city without pain and despair squirting out of people who are grabbing at spiritual straws of every description.

What I see is an increasingly educated population increasingly distrustful of the Christian church.

Since the 1960s Christian Churches have closed in their thousands and their tens of thousands
If Jesus defeated Satan at the cross and if the church is the body of Christ then it can only be Lord Jesus who is personally taking an axe to them.

And the only possible reason for that is that The Bride Of Christ will not (at root) be drawn from the churches but from the larger population
So when a Church reaches a level of phariseeism that is detrimental to its local population, Lord Jesus hews it to the ground.

God The Father exists outside of matter, energy, space and time, in eternity
He also exists in your soul
You know him as your conscience
When you develop a relationship with your conscience to the level that you do what it tells you even when you don’t want to, your life begins to go right again, and you are slowly directed towards your life purpose

Those who develop a relationship with their conscience over many years, reach a point where they can actually hear it speak to them.
Most Churches proceed with nothing more than that.
The Cleric listens to his conscience, which gives him advice specific to his life
He then tells the congregation that God has given him a message for them

The Holy Ghost is TIME. Time creates space
The Holy Ghost is your environment and you live within him
The Holy Ghost will coalesce in personality wherever people worship God
irrespective of their religion or doctrine
Worship of God slowly erodes sin

Any person can develop a relationship with their conscience
Any person can worship God anywhere at any time
A Church brings only doctrine and the effect of that doctrine to a community
If that doctrine or its interpretation does not have a beneficial effect on its local community
the Church dies. Lord Jesus plainly sees to that.

With the crucifixion and the subsequent destruction of the second Temple, external magic ended
The only magic (miracles) in the world today are those created by humans
Release from Satan’s rule meant that humans now have astonishing powers
The one exception to all this is the Holy Mass – the bread and the wine

Whether the bread is the actual body of Christ is irrelevant. The issue is that the crucifixion of Jesus continues to this day
Whether the wine is the actual blood of Christ is not the point. ‘The blood’ is as real as the evil it settles.

Lord Jesus gifted humanity with a ritual that settles evil in the environment by throttling back the personality that has developed
The Roman Catholic church decided to confine this ritual to within its Churches
and to limit those who could partake of it
Frankly, that says it all

Christian Pharisees always see the population as servants to the church and vassals of its doctrine
Unfortunately, Lord Jesus sees the church as servant to the population – his future Bride
and he judges its doctrine only by the effect it has on the population, his Bride
On that axis alone the fate of religions is decided

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