Wednesday 28 March 2018

Is evil a revenge against God for the sin of engendering creation?

The King James bible is clear and straight-forward on this point
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” (Isaiah 45:7)
The Christian church re-wrote the bible in the 1970s (NIV) to bring it into line with their doctrine. They changed this verse and many others
God the Father exists in eternity outside of matter, energy, space and time
He may be eternity for all we know - eternity may be his body
He tore a hole (a rent) in the fabric of eternity and developed The Creation in it
The Creation is God the Son and God the Son moves in personality within it
God the Father sent his power through God the Son and created the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost is TIME. Time creates space
The Holy Ghost is the video game that you call life
The Holy Ghost is your environment and you exist within him/her
Eternity exists because it is impossible for nothing to ‘be’.
Eternity is living arithmetic. Arithmetic develops mathematics and living mathematics produces personality - God the Father
Eternity detected the rent (hole) that God the Father had tore and filled it with Living Darkness. The purpose of Living Darkness is to extinguish The Creation and seal the rent
“Then there was light”
A universe is created by an explosion
In that explosion the Living Darkness is mixed in equal parts with the Holy Ghost to create a video game out of energy - to create what you see with your eyes and think of as ‘matter’
Everything that you see with your eyes is constructed from 50% Living Darkness and 50% Holy Ghost and it is all contained within The Holy Ghost
The intention of the Living Darkness is to extinguish all life and The Creation. You call that ‘evil’
The intention of the Holy Ghost is to foster life. You call that ‘good’
You have the ability to create good or evil which means you can help to tip the balance scales towards life (Holy Ghost) or death (Living Darkness)
When the balance scales tip too far towards the Living Darkness your universe will come to an end
God the Father exists in eternity. He also exists in your soul. You know him as your conscience. He is directly responsible for everything good and bad that happens to you. “I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
When you develop a relationship with your own conscience to the level that you do what it advises even when you don’t want to, your life will slowly start to go right again and you will eventually be directed towards your life purpose
1. God in the form of the Holy Ghost is your environment. You live inside him/her.
2. God the Father is in your soul as your conscience, dictating the course of your life.
3. The Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost) is love. It springs into existence when two people fall in love. It is the third party in all love relationships - love.
There are several universes in The Creation
Lord Jesus is a Creator Aspect of God the Son
He created your universe and is now the sole ruler of it
In High Estate he is the Temple Of God in the Lower Heaven
That is the only aspect of Jesus the churches connect to (through worship)
In personality, Lord Jesus is with those who mourn, those who are in despair, and with the lowest levels of society, always
Those who seek Jesus will only find him when they actively engage with the weaker members of society
Lord Jesus is available to the criminal. Always and at any time

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