Wednesday, 28 March 2018

What is Hell like?

In Ephesians 6:12 (KJV). Paul says :-
”For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
 Paul is referring to The Greater Hell
 The Greater Hell is the inner sphere that encompasses the whole Creation
 It contains the principalities, powers and empires of the Living Darkness
 whose purpose is to end all life and close the anomaly of The Creation
 In addition to the Greater Hell, each universe has its own Hell dimensions
 The first Hell dimension below your material universe is The Upper Hell, the home of warriors
 which is like a gothic version of Valhalla
 Below that is The Lower Hell which comprises ‘cells’ of unlimited size
 Below that is The Lake Of Fire which is the outer fringe of the body of God The Father
 The Upper Hell is ruled by the Gods of War who are subject to the Lake of Fire
 The Upper Hell is the only place in The Creation where its gods are drawn from the ranks
 Below the Gods of War is the administrative level in which the Knights Templar play a role
 Below the Administration is the hierarchical ranks of Warriors
 Below them are slaves, who are the property of Warriors
 Last are the Still Ones who go into a coma, sink into the ground, and appear on Earth as ghosts
 When there is more good than evil on The Earth, the balance scales swing in favour of The Holy Ghost, and harmony reigns
 When there is more evil than good in the world, the balance scales swing in favour of The Living Darkness which places your planet in danger of being erased
 The purpose of Creation Law is to prevent your planet or your universe being erased
When the balance scales swing in favor of The Living Darkness, that ‘favor’ is termed a ‘debt’
 The shedding of blood assuages The Living Darkness and pays that ‘debt’
 When there is a debt to be paid, the gates of Hell swing open, Warriors pour into your world by every means, wars are fought across the face of your planet, blood pours and the debt is paid
 War on your planet is actually between Warriors, and involves The Living Darkness
 The purpose of the Upper Hell is to train warriors to win the next war in a way that defeats the Living Darkness. And if they don’t, your planet ends.
 Two principle factors in the next world war will be sub-space ships and deleters
 Aircraft will be able to fly above the Earth’s atmosphere and land troops anywhere on your planet in hours. Warriors are being trained to react competently when enemy formations can appear anywhere at any time – before, during or after a battle
 Warriors are also training to fight the deleter weapon
Everything you see with your eyes is composed of atoms, and atoms are simply energy in motion
 Nothing is really solid around you. It is all just energy.
 A weapon will be developed that deletes that energy
 So when you point it at a building or a body of men and press the trigger, whatever it’s pointed at vanishes as if it/they had never existed
 The Upper Hell is about the size of your universe
 A section equivalent to a cosmos has been barriered off and Warriors in formations of hundreds, thousands, and millions are learning how to fight with, and against, the deleter weapon

Is evil a revenge against God for the sin of engendering creation?

The King James bible is clear and straight-forward on this point
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” (Isaiah 45:7)
The Christian church re-wrote the bible in the 1970s (NIV) to bring it into line with their doctrine. They changed this verse and many others
God the Father exists in eternity outside of matter, energy, space and time
He may be eternity for all we know - eternity may be his body
He tore a hole (a rent) in the fabric of eternity and developed The Creation in it
The Creation is God the Son and God the Son moves in personality within it
God the Father sent his power through God the Son and created the Holy Ghost
The Holy Ghost is TIME. Time creates space
The Holy Ghost is the video game that you call life
The Holy Ghost is your environment and you exist within him/her
Eternity exists because it is impossible for nothing to ‘be’.
Eternity is living arithmetic. Arithmetic develops mathematics and living mathematics produces personality - God the Father
Eternity detected the rent (hole) that God the Father had tore and filled it with Living Darkness. The purpose of Living Darkness is to extinguish The Creation and seal the rent
“Then there was light”
A universe is created by an explosion
In that explosion the Living Darkness is mixed in equal parts with the Holy Ghost to create a video game out of energy - to create what you see with your eyes and think of as ‘matter’
Everything that you see with your eyes is constructed from 50% Living Darkness and 50% Holy Ghost and it is all contained within The Holy Ghost
The intention of the Living Darkness is to extinguish all life and The Creation. You call that ‘evil’
The intention of the Holy Ghost is to foster life. You call that ‘good’
You have the ability to create good or evil which means you can help to tip the balance scales towards life (Holy Ghost) or death (Living Darkness)
When the balance scales tip too far towards the Living Darkness your universe will come to an end
God the Father exists in eternity. He also exists in your soul. You know him as your conscience. He is directly responsible for everything good and bad that happens to you. “I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
When you develop a relationship with your own conscience to the level that you do what it advises even when you don’t want to, your life will slowly start to go right again and you will eventually be directed towards your life purpose
1. God in the form of the Holy Ghost is your environment. You live inside him/her.
2. God the Father is in your soul as your conscience, dictating the course of your life.
3. The Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost) is love. It springs into existence when two people fall in love. It is the third party in all love relationships - love.
There are several universes in The Creation
Lord Jesus is a Creator Aspect of God the Son
He created your universe and is now the sole ruler of it
In High Estate he is the Temple Of God in the Lower Heaven
That is the only aspect of Jesus the churches connect to (through worship)
In personality, Lord Jesus is with those who mourn, those who are in despair, and with the lowest levels of society, always
Those who seek Jesus will only find him when they actively engage with the weaker members of society
Lord Jesus is available to the criminal. Always and at any time

Where do UFOs come from?

I have no doubt that UFOs exist but they certainly don’t come from an alien civilization
One proof of the existence of God is that the only way you could hide your planetbetter is to make it invisible
Within your galaxy, ‘The Milky Way’, your Earth cannot be reached, found, discovered or located
The only way an angel can find it is if Heaven (God) sends a beam they can follow
Human scientists have calculated (with usual human precision) that there are between 100 billions stars and 400 billion stars in your galaxy
That means that when you are travelling through space you are surrounded by so many solar masses it is impossible to count them, and that goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on
Only humans would give credence to the idea that an alien civilization could locate them and, having done so, want to visit them
Planet Earth stinks. There is a tortured psychic stench that emanates into space from your planet like cholera
Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed in pain and fear every year by humans
and then you eat them
And that doesn’t include fish - so many billions of tons each year they can’t be counted, all of which die in pain and agony from oxygen deprivation
Earth animals spend their time consuming each other in the wild
and humans spend their lives torturing each other for love
If an alien civilization could put up with the psychic stench to get near enough to your planet to see what was going on, their only thought would be “What is the quickest way to wipe this hell off the face of Creation
The fact that, for 50 years, human scientists have been sending signals into space to try and contact alien civilizations, demonstrates how deluded humans actually are
UFOs are, of course, from your future
They are, of course, seeding inventions into your civilization that will benefit their life in the future, 
irrespective of the pain this causes you, your children and your grandchildren 
What else would you expect humans to do than bugger up their own past to add extra degrees of comfort to their life in the future
Oh, but I forgot
You believe humans are really, really clever
and invent things all on their own, right

Saturday, 24 March 2018

How to cope with recurring bad memories?

All humans experience this
Few humans know how to handle it
These bad memories are resurfacing because you have not fully dealt with them. They will keep resurfacing, and will link to future bad experiences to gain strength and power over your future conduct
As a bad memory resurfaces, use your willpower to grab hold of it
Go into deep thought and refuse to let it go
Run through all its content from start to finish, over and over and over
until you have resolved all its questions, for the future
and you have drained it of all emotion
If it returns then you have not fully resolved it
Keep working upon it until it no longer returns

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Why does God create people who he knows will end up in hell?

You were taught at school that everything you see with your eyes is not really there. Everything is composed of atoms and atoms are just energy in motion.
Human scientists have no definitive answer to why all humans see the same things (bearing in mind that none of it is there)
The Holy Ghost is TIME
Time creates space
The Holy Ghost is your environment. You live inside him/her
The Holy Ghost creates what you see with your eyes
and that’s why all humans see the same illusion
You have chosen to play the character you are currently playing
in the living video game that is TIME (The Holy Ghost)
God the Father creates past, present and future simultaneously
Once created, past, present and future remain in place forever.
They never go anywhere. They stay put
If it was not so, Time Travel would never be possible
Past, present and future are a sequence of character pictures
You are in the character you have chosen, and you are moving through the pictures that form his / her life
and that makes you feel as if the character you are playing is alive
which is exactly how cartoons are made
The pictures move past your eyes and you think the cartoon is alive
You have chosen to play the character you are currently playing
because the impact of its life will improve your spirit’s weak areas
At other times other players will play the character you are currently playing and they will get different results with it, because they will make different choices in the game
But what if you allow the character’s personality to dominate your spirit?
What if, instead of improving your spirit, the character damages your spirit?
How will you then be restored?
The Lower Hell consists of what you would call ‘cells’
Each cell contains unlimited space
Lord Jesus, in his incarnation, stated clearly and repeatedly that he had no interest in the righteous whatsoever. His time and attention was focused on sinners. That’s why Hell was his first reconquered territory.
In the Lower Hell you can spend as much time with Lord Jesus as is necessary to restore your spirit to order. And you will re-experience whatever it is necessary for you to go through again until that result is achieved
God creates ‘players’ who can improve their spirit by choice
with no upper limit
God creates characters in the video game you call life
Each character consists of a sequence of pictures that stand in past, present and future, forever. 
They appear to live as a player moves through them
but they’re not ‘joined-up people’
The characters are not real people

Monday, 19 March 2018

Is the inerrant word of God the words or the author's meaning?

Christian Pharisees preach that the bible is the inerrant word of God
and they are keeping to it. This is hilarious to anyone who has any understanding of the bible
The christian church today is completely different from Paul’s church 
and barely anyone in it would qualify to cross the threshold of Paul’s church, let alone join it
Paul and his church lived and breathed the 40 commandments that Jesus gave at the Sermon On The Mount
to the extent that each of them sold everything he had and gave the money to church. Each of them also handed their weekly wage over to the church, and the church distributed back the minimum that each person needed to live
Each member of Paul’s church had to demonstrate a gift of the Holy Ghost such as healing or prophesying or speaking in tongues in order to prove that they had received the fullness of the Holy Ghost. In some Churches today, one or two may qualify here. In the vast majority of churches no one qualifies, including the preacher. 
Of course, every Christian Pharisee says he has received the ‘gift of preaching’
You would expect that if God himself had given a pharisee that gift, then the pharisee would be able to convert people with his preaching
Strangely, none of them can. 
What about the bible is the inerrant word of God?
The form that the magic spell words take on the page
or what the author meant when he wrote those words?
What Paul meant was “I am keeping to Jesus’ 40 commandments and these words are meant for others who are also keeping Jesus’ 40 commandments. On that understanding, this is how we now proceed

Thursday, 15 March 2018

How do you deal with a violent ghost in the home?

For someone who actually has a serious situation, the ideal first step is to find out the nature of the spirit or entity you are dealing with.
Then after you know exactly who or what it is, find out what its problem is.
With that information you can then tailor a solution
Obviously this course of action is beyond the average person
What the average person in this situation wants is a one-size-fits-all sticking-plaster-of-healing one shot, quick fix
The nearest to that is The Mass. The Eucharist. Holy Communion. The bread and the wine
The church says this can only be done by a priest. The church is wrong
The more tested you have been in your life, the more effective you will be
The more spiritual you are the better result you will get
But anyone can perform the Holy Mass in their home. It was a gift to humanity not a gift to the church
You get a cup of water and a piece of bread and perform the Holy Ceremony of The Mass in the place where the spiritual disturbance has occurred
And you repeat the ceremony over and over again until the problem settles.
And when the problem erupts again you perform the ceremony again, and again, and again, and again. Until all disturbance is long-term settled.
To see the physical actions of this ceremony, go to any Roman Catholic Church on Sunday
Accept our praises, heavenly Father,
through thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ,
and as we follow his example and obey his command,
grant that by the power of thy Holy Spirit
these gifts of bread and wine
may be unto us his body and his blood;
who, in the same night that he was betrayed, took bread;
and when he had given thanks to thee,
he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying:
Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you;
do this in remembrance of me.
Likewise after supper he took the cup;
and when he had given thanks to thee,
he gave it to them, saying:
Drink ye all of this;
for this is my blood of the new covenant,
which is shed for you and for many
for the forgiveness of sins.
Do this, as oft as ye shall drink it,
in remembrance of me.
Wherefore, O Lord and heavenly Father,
we remember his offering of himself
made once for all upon the cross;
we proclaim his mighty resurrection and glorious ascension;
we look for the coming of his kingdom
and with this bread and this cup
we make the memorial of Christ thy Son our Lord.
Christ has died;
Christ is risen;
Christ will come again.
Accept through him, our great high priest,
this our sacrifice of thanks and praise,
and as we eat and drink these holy gifts
in the presence of thy divine majesty,
renew us by thy Holy Spirit,
inspire us with thy love,
and unite us in the body of thy Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord,
by whom, and with whom, and in whom,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all honour and glory be unto thee,
O God almighty, world without end.

After a short period of silence the priest says the introduction to the Lord’s Prayer:
The priest breaks the consecrated bread.
Priest: We break this bread to share in the body of Christ.
Draw near with faith.
Receive the body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which he gave for
you, and his blood which he shed for you.
Eat and drink in remembrance that Christ died for you,
and feed on him in your hearts, by faith, with thanksgiving.
Almighty God
we thank you for feeding us
with the body and blood of thy Son
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Through him we offer thee our souls and bodies
to be a living sacrifice.
Send us out in the power of thy Spirit,
to live and work to thy praise and glory.