Tuesday 13 February 2018

"What is it about the teachings of Paul that causes you disharmony?"

Christian pharisees perniciously confuse "The Word" (Jesus) with the words in the bible
That allows them to view everything in the bible as an equality
So the authority of Paul equals the authority of Jesus equals the authority of the most obscure prophet of the old covenant

The entire Creation and everything in it is in hierarchy
The most inconsequential statement of Jesus (God) has more authority than everything Paul wrote.
No statement of Paul's can be correctly interpreted unless you refer it to the authority teaching of Jesus to which it refers

Members of Paul's church sold everything they owned and gave the money to the poor
They handed their wages to the church elders who disbursed it back according to need
Every member was totally committed to incorporating Jesus' 40 commandments (Sermon On The Mount) into their lives
Any interpretation of Paul has to perceive a life lived according to Jesus' teaching
The most laughable aspect of the modern church is when they say they can't do something because it's not biblical or because it's against a teaching of Paul
Very little about the modern church is biblical and very few in it would qualify as members of Paul's church

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