Wednesday 14 February 2018

Jesus' wildly impractical hippy philosophy

The most obvious thing about Jesus’ 40 (do not judge) commandments at the sermon on the mount
is that they contain no principles for the judiciary, law enforcement, or armed defenders in any form, or for the daily decision makers of commerce and politics, 
or the administrators and support services of civilization

Because of this, most church attenders view this teaching as a wildly impractical hippy philosophy
that may be used to influence our personal attitudes
but with no larger, practical application
And because of this, church modernists have decided not to make it central to the faith

In fact the larger application is the direction you and civilization have chosen to take
Every new invention, whether of engineering or software, adds another layer of prosperity to human life AND adds another layer of complexity 
Each additional layer of complexity breaks the minds of the weakest social layer

You have chosen to push into higher and higher levels of technology, knowing these will bring more and more prosperity, but you have given no thought to social cost
The average human, in quiet moments of reflection, would forego the latest advance in return for peace (cool) and contentment. But unless you make a deliberate effort to pull back, then peace & contentment will continue to elude you

Jesus’ new path to Heaven revolved upon control and reduction of ego (do not judge)
and placing the interests of the weakest members of society above your own
Until you have these two principles at the forefront of your life
you are wasting your time phariseeing verses in the bible
or making any type of political sacrifice of yourself or the church

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