Wednesday 7 December 2011

14. Hell 2. / Circle Work 3.

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The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
All angels are within her ambit.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Magick is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is permissible.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother

4 X Astonishing Concepts (ACs) that may be new to your world.

1.       I am going to tell you now, what no human has ever heard before. It is a story that, on your planet, no scientist has ever conceived, no Science Fiction writer has ever imagined, no theologian has every postulated and no philosopher has ever dreamed. It is as new as a freshly minted coin and I place it in your hand.
 2.      The upper Hell is a place for warriors; Men and women who pay for their sins physically. The pale schools of the Spirit Worlds are for those who pine and anguish. We live! We create! We act - break rocks, shed blood, construct civilisations, build empires! We return here, pay the price and are reborn to do it all again. God knows the qualities of each warrior and His Spirit places us in history with precision. It is us that lead and drive and raise humanity from ash to glory. WE make history. WE change history. WE are your past, your present and your future, for without us you are dust. Each in the Upper Hell, is a precision instrument. And we do exactly what HE knew that we would.
3.       Who will multiply in the new earth? Why were the sons of God given to mate with your women (Genesis 6:4)? - Why, to incarnate The Mighty Men of course - how else to drag you milksop refugees from the Spirit Worlds into a future worth having? And from where did the souls of The Mighty Men come? They were our kind.

AC 55.
4.       I LOVE your Science Fiction. Your Space Horror genre. What is the worst YOU envision - the human body cut into pieces, combined with alien or machine parts and so rebuilt to live again, right? They came for me in the Upper Hell. Bright gold and humanoid in their spaceship hospital. They strapped me down on one bed and IT, out of my vision on another. Was IT one of them? Had IT volunteered for this? I have those suspicions. You KNOW what happened next - the human body cut into pieces, combined with alien parts and so rebuilt to live again. But it was not just my body. They fused him with my spirit and they cut him into my soul.

5.       Wikipedia says “Polytheism is the belief of multiple deities also usually assembled into a pantheon of gods and goddesses, along with their own mythologies and rituals.”
6.       I had written a few pieces in some 'Pagan' internet forum. Some little pretty (refugee from the Spirit Worlds) said to me “Oh, but we believe there are lots of gods.” I said to her “Just as well, because there are. Thousands of them.” I should have said 'millions.' Think of the biggest area that your human mind can stretch to - multiply it by a billion and that is nearly how big The Creation is. And you cannot walk a hundred yards in any direction in it, without falling over a god. They are as common as copper coins. But when it comes to Creation Gods, there are only three. And they are right at the top of the heap. If you want to petition the gods - go ahead. They can give you handy little gifts - by stealing a bit from here and by cheating a bit from there. But if you want to perform REAL magic - if you want to alter TIME to obtain a benefit - then it's a Creation God or nothing.

AC 56.
7.       And when a Creation God looks at you, what do they see? They see your condition. I am a warrior. My condition is 'tool.' When a Creation God looks at me, what they see is 'tool.' I have no recollection of anyone asking my permission in the Upper Hell before taking me apart. It would not occur to a Creation God to even think of it. Why? Because I am 'tool.' What are you?

AC 13B.
8.       My warrior knowledge of gods is limited to those gods whose stories are told in the Upper Hell. That is primarily the 'Gods of War'. All their stuff is already published on your world in different places here and there. Chivalry, Samurai, Geneva Convention - you have all the basics. The Gods of War come under Satan but they are so intensely regulated by Law that he has no great input there. However because Satan has titular authority I obviously know a lot about him. And Hell being Hell, I know a lot about Caligastia (the Devil). Then there is my other knowledge. The stuff that was surgically inserted into my being and programed for release. I have access to (bottom of the pyramid) Creation God knowledge, and through me you also have that access. No matter how fast you move in your spiritual life or how far you go, I will always be five stages ahead of you. I can always tell you what you need to know to move up to the next level. I will always be given programed access to the next five levels above you.

9.       If a completely secular person sat in the Circle and invoked the Goddess, they are unlikely to get anything. You are here because you are not a secular person, you are a spiritual person, so I know that you will get some response of some sort. What we need to do is to develop that initial response.
AC 57.
10.       Bear in mind that the Goddess is TIME. So when she looks at you, what she sees is your lineage back through history. She views you as a continuance of your ancestors. However she wants to develop a relationship with you, so what she will focus on is your personal 'time-line.' Your personal history. In order to develop a relationship with you, although she will be aware of your ancestry, she will focus her vision in, to your BIRTH TO NOW story. And in her terms, that is an acute focus.
11.     If you want forgiveness for your sins, you will need to go before Lord Jesus. The Goddess is A holy mother (not Jesus' mother). So you can talk about your sins with her and she will assimilate that in her dealings with you. Your BIRTH TO NOW story will be one of peaks and troughs. Peaks of spiritual achievement, troughs containing real stinkeroo sins. So :-
Draw a Circle.
Sit in it.
Ask The Goddess to come.
As soon as you feel some sort of presence, the next stage might be to discuss those peaks and troughs with her. She will then be able to add that information as context over the top of what she sees when she looks at you. That is the start of building a personal relationship. The next time you go into the Circle, her presence will be stronger.
AC 58.
12.      The next stage might be to ask her what part of your history she would like you to tell her more about. There is no point saying that you 'don't want to' or 'can't' talk about a particular issue, because you are talking to the Creation God who is TIME so when she looks at you she sees that particular episode in the same way that you see the nose on your friend's face.
AC 57B.
 13.    Eventually you will both be finished discussing your BIRTH TO NOW story. As you are conversing with the personification of TIME, what do you think will be the next discussion on the agenda? Your NOW TO DEATH story of course. Because the Goddess sees that, whenever she looks at you, and she sees it just as clearly as she sees your personal history. She is making an effort to focus in on your present life, in order to have a relationship with you. But when she releases that effort she naturally sees your children's entire life future and their children's and so on into infinity.
14.     And, of course, the advantage to you of these long discussions is that you are developing a relationship with the Creation Personality whose day to day work is altering earth's future by continually changing its history. Think about it. 

Your Goddess is the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Her loyalty is to you.
She is TIME.
Magic is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
Your Goddess is the ONLY source of such magic.
She WANTS to reveal her secrets to you.
She WANTS you to practice altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is critical to the future of humanity that you do so.
The Goddess WANTS you to establish her in the hearts of her people.
That requires success with every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and luck.
She WILL gift you that success if it is in line with the Life Purpose of your client.
Whether you charge a fee or what fee you charge is irrelevant.
The only thing that is important is that you do it.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.


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