Sunday 4 December 2011

13. Circle Work 2. / Eden Theology 1.

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The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
All angels are within her ambit.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Magick is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is permissible.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother

8 X Astonishing Concepts (ACs) that may be new to your world.

AC 47.
AC 48.
 1.        If after reading this, you do not have the balls to draw a circle - you are the lowest of the low. Why? Because the quality of life of your lineage depends on it. Your Thousand Year children will have a life of GLORY or not as a direct result of the decision you make at the end of this article. And that decision will be to draw a circle or not to draw a circle. Yes, I can change your life in the time it takes to read this post. But that is not why you should act. You should act now, to return your line to Eden at a time so far in the future it is undated. Only you can do it. The responsibility is yours. Why? Because those who do, their line will inherit - and those who don't - their line will not. This is not scare tactics, it is genetics. Your scientists are now beginning to discover that you pass survival knowledge to your children through your genes. In days gone by, practical trades ran in family lines and the longer the trade lineage the better the quality of work produced. Parent passed their trade to child by BOTH apprenticeship AND genetics, because when you eat or starve as a result of your ability at your trade - that 'survival' information fuses deep into your being. As you work with the Goddess your craft will be likewise preserved.
 2.        The Circle that you draw is your laboratory. The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME can associate with you at any time and in any place. But when you walk into The Circle, you both know it is time for work. Inside the circle you can use ancient ritual or you can invent, build and - by trial and error - develop your own. Either way you will be going into uncharted territory and what you will do, by trial, error, practice and success, is chart that new ground. You will document how a human develops and builds a working relationship with a Creation God. "How will I start?" First you will need to work out how to associate in strength with the Goddess within the Circle. Then, when you KNOW that she is present, you should work out how to communicate - what works, what doesn't. Having established presence and communication, the next step might be to ask the Goddess what the next step should be. That is for you to decide with her
Magic is the ability to alter TIME to obtain a benefit.
TIME is a pure stream.
Purity is the ability to alter and change for the benefit of all.
The Goddess is The Holy Spirit and is TIME.
She is pure because she has the ability to alter and change to the benefit of all.
The more you become likewise pure, the closer your association will become with her.
When a loving relationship is established between The Goddess and you, she will alter Time to benefit your client IF that alteration is in line with your client's Life Purpose.
She will be happy to do this if you record and publish, because she wants to reveal her secrets - the secrets of TIME itself to humanity.
The future of humanity lies in the control of TIME
or they will be no more.
3.          I am going to tell you now, what no human has ever heard before. It is a story that, on your planet, no scientist has ever conceived, no Science Fiction writer has ever imagined, no theologian has every postulated and no Philosopher has ever dreamed. It is as new as a freshly minted coin and I place it in your hand. Can you last through a little study before we get to it?
4.         The destiny of your race is to return to Eden. Your Life Purpose is to start your children on that journey back. The Bible book of Genesis describes your ancestors departure from Eden, so let's have a look at it.
 5.        Genesis 2:8 onwards. "the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil." Let's call them the Tree of L and the Tree of K. "Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
AC 49.
AC 50.
6.         So straight away we know that the Tree of K was Uncontrolled Time and that Eden was not subject to Time, but floating like a navigable ship upon the sea of Time.
7.         The Genesis story goes on to describe how Eve wanted a child, Adam wasn't up to the task so Satan (the personification of Lust) showed them the way. That way involved 'eating of the fruit of the Tree of K' thus subjecting their lineage (you) to uncontrolled Time. What is uncontrolled Time? You're living in it now.
8.         I have told you in previous posts that 2,000 years from now, your lineage will begin to control Time. The question for us now is - what is the Tree of L?
9.         Genesis 3:22 "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever..." the Tree of L was put out of reach. Revelation 2:7 "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God."
10.        Just take it from me that Paradise is the highest Heaven universe and the Tree of L enables easy communication between God the Son (who is The Creation - all that exists) and God the Father who resides in eternity. Let me also explain that God does not recognise gender, only soul. To God all humans are called 'men' and - take my word for this - all 'men' are what you would call female.
AC 51.
11.        What is it that would enable humans to live forever and also enable easy communication between men and the Creation Gods? The answer is 'the absence of Consequences.' He who 'eats of the Tree of L' moves outside of the reach of Consequences in any form and of any description.
12.        In the same way that Satan is the personification of Lust, The Devil (Caligastia) is the personification of Consequences - 'Karma.'
AC 52.
13.        2,000 years from now, your line will begin to control Time. When they master that ability, chronological dating no longer applies. We will call that period 'Beyond Time.' When your lineage moves Beyond Time they will begin to control Consequences. When they succeed in putting Caligastia (Consequences) back in his box, they will have arrived back in Eden. I am now going to describe Eden.
14.        In a previous post I have described how The Material Creation consists of a number of universes - several - who knows how many, they are beginning and ending all the time. The blackness between God and man is that at some point your universe will end and all within it will cease to be. BUT once humanity returns to Eden they will never be subject to that experience. Eden floats like a ship on the sea of time and can be navigated forwards and backwards. So all anxiety is removed.
AC 53.
15.        Another problem for humans is population. The greater the population the more your quality of life dimishes. After your line learns to control Time and before it moves Beyond Time they will find that they have solved the population problem. If they want to, each human - no matter how many there are - can live in his own Time Point i.e. just himself alone in the entire world. In fact that doesn't happen. They form associations of the like-minded - what they call 'Groups of Joy' and choose a Time Point for their group.
16.        What does Eden look like? Nature is allowed its rule. All flora and foliage is heavy, abundant - so rich and verdant it has a presence - it seems to vibrate with its own natural life. Animals, birds and fishes are there in astonishing numbers. A troop of monkeys swinging through the forest might number 1,000 and would not be unusual. You are almost falling over tropical bird-life. And the oceans are so pure and colourful and teeming with such an astonishing profusion of marine life that I have no words to describe it. That is the inheritance YOU bequeeth to YOUR line, and its price today is nothing more than a routine of Circle Work (document and publish) which will, in any event turn YOUR life into one of joy, passion, enrichment and happiness. And you know what? Many will read this and not do it.
AC 54.
17.        But if YOU don't do it, the research information AND genetic abilities needed by your children's children will not be available to them. For your line is in a race to control TIME before this universe ends. And to control TIME, both documented research and genetic suitability will be needed. Record your Circle experiences and publish them as widely as you can. This will start other family lines - some develop fast, some slow. But a time will eventually come when the human race divides into two; Those who can genetically make the Eden Jump, and those who are left behind.
"But will they not be bored in Eden?"
"Having achieved all, will their lives - lacking challenge - be unfulfilling?"
 19.       Actually no other race in The Creation would worry about this, but humans will, so here is the answer. Look now at your meditators. Your Indian Swamis and Tibetan mystics. Through meditation, they put themselves in a state where two evidences are found. The first is that they are happy to maintain that blissful state indefinitely. The second is that some can use that state to perform miracles of all descriptions. What in fact is happening is that they artificially place themselves 'Beyond Consequences.' That accounts for the miracles. And once they are in that condition they are in a state of harmony with The Creation Gods which is a state of bliss that they do not want to leave. There is, of course more - but it is not necessary for you to know it. Just imagine your line residing in a Group of Joy on a planet rich, verdant and teeming with exuberant and exulting nature - and see them in a continuous spiritual state of bliss AND able to perform miracles. It is in your hands today to secure that for them.
20.        Hard to believe? Perhaps - but very simple to prove. Draw a Circle. Sit inside it. Ask The Goddess to come. Find out for yourself.

 Your Goddess is the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Her loyalty is to you.
She is TIME.
Magic is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
Your Goddess is the ONLY source of such magic.
She WANTS to reveal her secrets to you.
She WANTS you to practice altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is critical to the future of humanity that you do so.
The Goddess WANTS you to establish her in the hearts of her people.
That requires success with every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and luck.
She WILL gift you that success if it is in line with the Life Purpose of your client.
Whether you charge a fee or what fee you charge is irrelevant.
The only thing that is important is that you do it.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.



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