Sunday 18 December 2011

18. Wych Theology 2 - 8.

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The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
All angels are within her ambit.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Magick is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is permissible.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.

This post (Post 18) contains 28 X Astonishing Concepts (ACs) that may be new to your world.

The word wych has its origins in Middle English wiche, from the Old English wice, meaning pliant or supple.


       The Planet of the Witches is in the Lower Heaven. So where is Heaven and where did it come from?
1.        In the beginning was Eternity, which humans call 'nothing' because they have no concepts with which to understand its qualities.
           God the Father was in Eternity and, for all anyone knows, may be Eternity.
2.        God the Father brought into existence 'something' in the 'nothing.' It was spherical and it was embedded in the tissue of Eternity. That sphere was God the Son.
          The sphere and everything within it, is the body of God the Son, and he moves in personality within his body. The sphere is God the Son  and is The Creation and contains everything that exists (within human terms of reference). You live inside the living organism that is God the Son.
          God the Father sent his power through The Son to construct everything that you know, inside The Creation. That power is The Holy Spirit whom you call The Goddess.
          So The Holy Spirit who is The Goddess who is TIME, is one third of The Supreme Creation Trinity. 
 3.      God the Father is physically unfathomable.
          God the Son is a soul which consists of a billion souls yet all are one.
          The Holy Spirit consists of a billion unfathomable entities that change, alter and adapt.
          The figure 'a billion' is a general figure that humans can grasp. The Personification god, Calligastia (The Devil) may consist of a hundred times that number (or more) on Earth alone, but I will still use the term 'a billion.'
         The word 'unfathomable' is relative. I can fathom it but there is no reason to fully do so.
4.        The Creation sphere sits in a raw wound in the fabric of Eternity.
           The wound is visible as a lake of fire, and it surrounds the whole sphere.
           To heal that wound, Eternity filled the sphere with Living Darkness.
           The purpose of Living Darkness is to end all life and close the wound.
5.  "And God said, Let there be light; and there was light (Genesis 1:3)."
6.        The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME, speaks to your soul.
           God the Son does not choose to speak any of your human languages.
           God the Father does not choose to speak any of your human languages.
           He uses words that either cannot be interpreted into human language, or are very difficult to do so.
           The word 'light' is God's name for 'personality'.
           In order to construct all inside The Creation sphere, God first gave the Living Darkness billions of personalities.
           The driving force of personality is 'SURVIVE.'
           So the Living Darkness, whose purpose was to end life, was given personality, and then it wanted to live itself.
           God then formed the personalities of the Living Darkness into hierarchies.
7.        God 'divided the light from the darkness' (Genesis 1:4)
           He used the survival imperitive that he had given to the Darkness, to over-rule its design aim.
           He then used the hierarchies of Darkness as building blocks to create all that exists.
           You call these hierarchies 'gods and goddesses.'
           I call them 'Personification gods.'
           They are not "written in the book of life" (Revelation 20:15).
           That means that they live but have no souls.
           Because they have no souls, they are comforted when beings with souls worship them.
           Worship of a Personification god or goddess is worship of the material with which your universe is built.
8. “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament” (Genesis 1:7). And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear” (Genesis 1:9).
9.        Your material universe is (in God's terms) 'dry land.'
           What God means by 'Dry Land' is 'concentrated TIME.'
           This means that TIME moves very quickly in your sector, but very slowly everywhere else.
           TIME in concentrated form occupies only the area below the firmament of Heaven.
           That is the area in which your material universe has been formed.
10.       I do not know whether the other universes are within concentrated TIME or not. But yours is.
11.       The size of your own universe is beyond the ability of your present mind to understand.
            The astonishing vastness of The Creation (God the Son) is beyond the ability of the minds of Personification gods to understand. And the Lower Heaven occupies most of it.
12.       The Creation is a sphere embedded in the tissue of Eternity.
            The material universes are just inside its 'skin.'
            They are spread around the the inside of its 'skin.'
            Universes are being born all the time, and universes are dieing all the time so I don't know how much of that area they fill.
            There is not actually a 'skin' but it is the best way to get the image across. There is nothing but the boundary of God the Son.
            The universes are bound to the Lake of Fire, and are anchored to the Lower Heaven, allowing some movement.
13.       The main point is that, compared to the size of The Creation, they don't take up much room.
14.         In the centre of The Creation, revolves the smaller sphere that is the Spirit Realms. This is of substantial size, but again, in terms of the size of The Creation, it is not a huge area.
15.         Everything else - all the space between the sphere of the Spirit Realms and the layer of the material universes, is occupied by The Lower Heaven.
             This is far and away the hugest thing in The Creation.
             It takes up most of the space in The Creation.
             It is mind-bogglingly massive.
             If your universe was moved into the Lower Heaven, most residents there wouldn't notice.  
             A distance of less than a thousand miles is not worth mentioning. At a million miles you are starting to talk about a 'journey.'
            There is good reason for the size of the Lower Heaven. I will say what it is in a short while.
16. “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven” (Genesis 1:6-8).
17.         It is not necessary to go into what the 'waters' are, but they are not the stuff that comes out of your taps.
              The waters above Heaven became the Spirit Realms and the waters below Heaven became the material universe layer.
              In God's terms, 'firmament' means 'reality.'
              Heaven (in this case the Lower Heaven) is the only firmament inside The Creation sphere.
              The Lower Heaven is the only reality inside the Creation sphere.
              Both the material universes and the Spirit Realms are illusion.


“In the late 19th century with the discovery of the electron, and in the early 20th century, with the discovery of the atomic nucleus, and the birth of particle physics, matter was seen as made up of electrons, protons and neutrons interacting to form atoms. Today, we know that even protons and neutrons are not indivisible, they can be divided into quarks, while electrons are part of a particle family called leptons. Both quarks and leptons are elementary particles, and are currently seen as being the fundamental constituents of matter.”

19.         The phrase 'electrons, protons and neutrons interacting' means 'in motion.'
              Everything that you think is solid, is a collection of atoms and those atoms are energy in motion.
20.         Many of your leading scientists have already accepted that nothing in your material universe is real. Just do an internet search of 'String theory.'
“String Theory Features
String theory is a work in progress. The key string theory features include:
•All objects in our universe are composed of vibrating filaments (strings) and membranes (branes) of energy.
•Several extra (usually unobservable) dimensions to the universe must exist.
There are also other possible string theory features. Possibilities include:
•A landscape of string theory solutions, allowing for possible parallel universes.
•The holographic principle, which states how information in a space can relate to information on the surface of that space.”

22.       'The holographic principle' means that a number of your planet's leading physicists are examining the possibility that your universe is a hologram - a photographic image in 3D.

23.      In the future, using the Hadron Collider, your scientists will discover that quarks and leptons are a function of time. They will discover it but they will not be able to prove it. For that reason they will not release the information.
'The Large Hadron Collider'
This is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator. It is expected to address some of the most fundamental questions of physics, advancing the understanding of the deepest laws of nature.
The Large Hadron Collider was built by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries, as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories.”

25.       The strength of this world-wide club, is that proven information will benefit the world. The weakness is that anything that cannot be proven will not be disseminated for fear of criticism.
            They will divide particles down to the smallest element and discover that that element is a function of TIME. They will then be unable to test that, because there is no usable science of TIME.
26.         Those of you who take up the offer in these writings, will begin building a science of TIME.
              YOU and your line will become the Hadron Collider for everyday people.

27.         Taking all the above  facts into consideration, I shouldn't have to 'push a boulder uphill' when I say that you live in what you would call a 'computer game', and its substance is concentrated TIME.

AC (This AC is not numbered, because it is also in Christian Spiritualist books).
28.         So how are the material elements inserted into this computer game?
              Everything inert - EVERYTHING - is first constructed in REALITY i.e. The Lower Heaven.
AC81 (This AC can also be deduced from Christian Spiritualist books).
29.         Once constructed, it is then projected into the computer game (concentrated TIME) that is your universe.
30.         So the reason why the Lower Heaven occupies most of the sphere of The Creation is the same reason that a shipyard has to be massive in order to produce comparatively small ships.
31.         So 'the holographic theory' is actually true. And it will remain true after Earth scientists eventually reject the idea.


32         The Lower Heaven is called that, because there are higher dimensions. Heaven climbs upwards, dimension upon dimension, to Paradise, which is the anchor point of the personality of God the Son.
AC83 (This AC can also be deduced from Christian Spiritualist books).
33.        The Spirit Realms have a pathway of higher dimensions leading to one of the Higher Heavens.
             These have been mapped by Earth's Christian Spiritualists and appear in many of their books. The Rev. G. Vale Owen was one contributing author.
34.         A Warrior's path to the Higher Heaven is by voluntary descent to the Lowest Hell and through 'Trial by Fire' - voluntary immersion in the Lake of Fire.
              That is the path that Jesus followed, albeit that Jesus then returned back through Hell.
 35.        If you think about it, you will realise that enormous numbers of skilled craftsmen & women, and tradespeople of all descriptions are NEEDED in the Lower Heaven. So the following category of humans stand an EXCELLENT chance of going to the Lower Heaven, after death :-
Skilled Craftsmen.
Excellent tradespeople.
Who are :-
competent, dutiful and honourable.
And are true in both their work and their personal life.
36.         Their religion or personal beliefs are completely irrelevant. On this issue the UK Christian church was wrong and the UK Freemasonry Lodges were correct.
              We should support Freemasonry in any way that we can. Yes, they should include women, and I do wish they placed more emphasis on progressing one's trade, but nothing involving humans is ever perfect.
“Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest secular fraternal societies.
Freemasonry is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Its members are taught its precepts (moral lessons and self-knowledge) by a series of ritual dramas - a progression of allegorical two-part plays which are learnt by heart and performed within each Lodge - which follow ancient forms, and use stonemasons’ customs and tools as allegorical guides.
Freemasonry instils in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: it seeks to reinforce thoughtfulness for others, kindness in the community, honesty in business, courtesy in society and fairness in all things. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches and practices concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need.”


38.       In the Lower Heaven, there is a 'planet of the Witches.'
            There always has been.
            It is populated by 'scientists' who 'think outside the box' - far, far outside it.
            They assist Heaven to evolve.
39.         I don't know what you think Witches are, but Heaven thinks they're Research Fellows who refuse to be limited by accepted beliefs. So they're all put together on one planet, where anything can happen - and it often does.
40.     A Wych is a spiritual scientist who often operates alone.
         WYCH - Is the old English spelling of the later church word 'Witch.'
"The word wych has its origins in Middle English wiche, from the Old English wice, meaning pliant or supple."

41.         Goddess worship & Cloak Work is the exploration of TIME.
              It is a path of astonishing discovery. Of things never before known or dreamed.
              The fascination of ground-breaking research will lead some to dedicate themselves to research and experiment.
If they then become :-
skilled craftsmen who are :-
competent, dutiful and honourable.
And true in their work and their personal life,
they stand an excellent chance of being accepted into the Lower Heaven, on the Planet of the Witches.

42.         One of the best things about the Lower Heaven is that you no longer have a material body. So you can live and work in environments that human bodies can't. Such environments are both challenging and thrilling.
43.          So how can you work there without a material body? Because the environment of the Lower Heaven is made of the same essential material as your spirit body.
 44.        You think that your material body and your material environment are reality, and that the spirit body and Heaven are illusion. But all 'material' consists of atoms, and atoms consist of energy in motion - so it is the material realm that is illusion. If you remove the atoms from the picture, what you are left with is reality.
45.       The truth is that your material body and your material environment are illusion, and your spirit body and Heaven are reality. Reality consists of the living substance of God the Son.
46.        Concentrated TIME produces energy in motion, which produces atoms, which construct your material universe. It is all a 'computer game.' The rules of the game allow the Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME to continually alter it to help the players (you).
           i) For example, whenever the players think up an invention that will improve the game, the Goddess alters their collective history to make that invention realisable.
           ii) Also, every player in the game has been given a superpower. They can alter and change the PRESENT & FUTURE effects of their personal history. So their past need not determine their future.
47.      2,000 years from now, i) and ii) will come together, and the players will be able to 'go back' and alter their personal past, themselves. But for that to happen, a workable science of TIME will need to be in place. But as TIME has personality - the Goddess, today's Scientists have no systems to discover it.
48.     All science was first 'kicked off' by Witches, who went against the accepted beliefs of the day. Only Witches can found a workable science of TIME now. But UK Witches have built a religion for themselves, revolving around the worship of gods. Modern Witches have locked themselves into the dogmatic worship of the material with which your universe is built. To break out of that mind-prison requires independent individuals with open minds. I call them 'Wyches' - the original word matrix of 'Witch'.
 49.     A Wych is a spiritual scientist who often operates alone.
           WYCH - Is the old English spelling of the later church word 'Witch.'
"The word wych has its origins in Middle English wiche, from the Old English wice, meaning pliant or supple."

50.         The Planet of the Witches in the Lower Heaven is most like the planet Jupiter in your solar system. It is not exactly the same, but definitely similar.
              Your scientists believe that no planet bigger than Jupiter can exist. They are wrong. The Planet of the Witches is 17.2% bigger.

51.          Jupiter is the fourth brightest object in your sky. Its volume is large enough to contain 1,300 planets the size of Earth. It sucks in comets, asteroids and meteorites which could be on a collision course for Earth. Its gravity is used to catapult spacecraft on deep space missions.
52.         There is a dangerous belt of radiation between Jupiter's rings and the uppermost atmospheric layers. This contains high energy helium ions of unknown origin.
53.         Jupiter’s rings are dark and are probably composed of very small grains of rocky material. The magnetic field around Jupiter traps ionized particles from the solar wind, and accelerates them to nearly the speed of light. Jupiter radiates more energy into space than it receives from the Sun.
54.          Jupiter's appearance is a tapestry of beautiful colours which may be sulphur based. Its swirling gas clouds form dark and light bands, rotating in opposite directions. The highest clouds are red, the lowest are blue, with browns and whites in between. The lower layers become visible through holes in the upper ones.
55.          There are complex weather vortices in the boundaries between the bands, producing storm systems that rage for years. The Great Red Spot, a giant spinning storm, has been observed for more than 300 years. Water exists in pockets and can sometimes be seen through clear spots in the clouds.
56.          No one knows what the interior of Jupiter is like. It is believed to have a core of rocky material 10 to 15 times the size of planet Earth. Above this is a vast liquid metal ocean with a vaster liquid hydrogen sky. The liquid hydrogen is an electrical conductor and produces Jupiter's magnetic field, the strongest in the Solar system. Above that lies the swirling bands of hydrogen and helium gas clouds. Jupiter's overall composition is like that of the primordial Solar Nebula from which your solar system was formed.
57.          Jupiter forms a miniature solar system itself. It has 63 known moons with many more recorded but not yet confirmed. Although most of its moons are small, four are planet-size; Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Ganymede, is the largest satellite in your Solar System.

58.       Aleister Crowley is now on the planet of the Witches, which means that he eventually reached Heaven, contrary to the expectations of the Christian church.
          He sends the following message to his followers :-
          "You will join me, if you retain your core belief, desire and conviction in the fundamental mutability of everything. Substance - the material of the Creation - is ours to use, to change, to convert and to experiment. The world in which we live is your toy - not people's lives - the universal substance."
"Mutable" ; This word means 'to change'. It is allied to the words; 'borrowed, lent, reciprocal, mutual.' Its other meanings include the words; 'gift' and 'treasure. '
          The word 'mutable' relates to something valuable, that is given to you, with permission to use it / change it.


59.       You were brought to my site for a reason.
            You have read through this long and complex article.
            I will now tell you the meaning of life.
60.      The sphere of The Creation sits within a raw wound in the fabric of Eternity.
           The wound manifests as a lake of fire that completely encircles The Creation.
            So the wound is a structural part of Eternity and The Creation is a separate thing to it.
61.       The route by which a Warrior may travel from the Upper Hell into the Upper Heaven, is by voluntarily descending to the lowest level of Hell, and by undergoing 'Trial by Fire.'
             He or She does this by voluntarily leaping into the lake of fire.
62.        This is also the route that Jesus followed, except that after being changed into the Glory of Lordship, Jesus erupted back into Hell, put Satan to flight and ended Satan's reign over your world.
63.        So the lake of fire is not separated from The Creation i.e. there is access into the fabric of Eternity from The Creation and then back into The Creation from the fabric of Eternity.
64.       In addition, each material universe is actually a universe bundle, consisting of universes of Air, Fire, Earth and Water.
            The Air Universe is the Lower Heaven.
            The Fire universe is the lake of fire.
            The Earth Universe is the material universe.
            The Water Universe is there, but you haven't discovered it yet. Your scientists know that the Bible story of the Great Flood is true, and they accept that it covered huge areas of your Earth. They cannot explain where all that water came from or where it went back to. There are also other evidences in Charles Hoy Fort's records of the unexplained.
            My point is that the entire layer of material universes forms a bundle structure, and that structure incorporates the lake of fire, which is part of Eternity.
65.       The Creation is the body of God the Son and God the Son moves in personality within his body.
            Everything that exists (in your terms) is a structural part of God the Son.
            You exist inside the living organism of God the Son.
66.       So The Creation is a created living thing which now forms a structural part of Eternity.
            God the Father is in Eternity and surrounds (at least) the area in which The Creation is.
            So the living organism that is The Creation exists inside a larger living organism that is God the Father.
67.        Everything that we know about God the Father tells us that he always does what is right, just and correct.
68.        In general, the teaching of the UK Christian church is that no matter how dreadful and despicable your past actions, all you have to do is pray in repentance to Lord Jesus - he will forgive all your sins, and you will be born again, to start afresh.
69.      As it is God the Father who instructs Calligastia (Karma), and as the Father is superior in authority to Jesus, you can see that the church is being childishly simplistic.
AC 93.
70.      IF Lord Jesus authorises Forgiveness, The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME, enters your soul and resides there. She then works to counter or reduce the coming karmic reactions, and where that can't be done, to carry you through them.
71.      The everyday work of The Goddess is to continually alter humanity's past in order to change its future. It would not be possible for her to do that, without the authority to alter or amend The Father's karmic judgements. But her authority is limited to :-
'adapt and change' TO THE BENEFIT OF ALL.'
Your karma is interwoven with those you have affected. It can only be changed where that results in overall benefit.
72.       You can see that this is a huge amount of work for the Goddess. So why should The Creation Gods go to all that trouble for one person?
73.      The meaning of life is that God the Father has voluntarily created for himself a soul.
           That soul is The Creation.
           You exist within the soul of God the Father.
           That means that every single thing that you do MATTERS.
           Your actions spell life or death for the larger body in which you live.
74.      If you lead your community into Darkness, your community will be cut down.
           If you lead your nation into Darkness, your nation will be smashed.
           If you lead your Universe into Darkness, your Universe will be torn apart.
           Because if that infection spreads through GOD's soul, it could kill him, and all of us. So the branch is destroyed to save the tree.
           EVERYTHING that you do MATTERS, and it always has.


75.      In my view, the greatest heresy of the UK Christian church has been its teaching that God the Father is eternal.
           God the Father was eternal.
           He now lives in eternity.
           He has placed his life in your hands.
76.      His purpose in doing that is to manufacture more LOVE.
77.      The body of God the Father is formed of Eternity.
           The reflex action of that body, to the breach that formed The Creation, was to fill that breach with Living Darkness.
78.      The purpose of Living Darkness is to extinguish all life and heal the breach.
           God used that Living Darkness to build everything that exists inside The Creation.
           He subsumed the Living Darkness into personalities, and the driving force of personality is 'Survive at any cost.'
79.       It is only soul, Law and LOVE that prevents every living thing inside The Creation from tearing each other apart.
80.       Your soul is so tiny that humans cannot detect it with their most powerful microscope, yet it contains a number of elements.
            It is the anchor of your life force and it contains a scintilla of God the Father.
81.       The Devil (Caligastia) is the personification god of consequences. He is karma.
            For every action that you take, the Devil produces a lawful reaction. He is continually instructed to do so, by the scintilla of God the Father in your soul.
82.       The quality of The Goddess is 'change.'
            The quality of God the Son (Lord Jesus in your universe) is 'love.'
            The quality of God the Father is 'righteous Law.'
            If you break The Father's Law, the only question is how much time will pass before you suffer the consequences. Whether before death or after death, you will pay in full.
83.       God the Father had no need of a soul. But he constructed one in order to generate love because eternity has great need of love.
           By this action, the Father placed his life in your hands.
84.      Living Darkness wants to kill all life, and you are built from it.
           But it is inferior to your personality - psychology / intellect / character.
           Your personality is programmed to survive.
           An untrained personality will murder to survive.
           So Law is imposed to train personality.
85.      Humans were designed to live in communities.
           Any just judicial judgement of a community has the authority of God the Father, which is superior to all other law.
86.      You have a choice. To submit to Law or act against it.
           Your decision will revolve upon the amount of Love that you generate.
           Those who don't generate enough love will act against Law, then The Devil (Calligastia) will act against them - sooner or later.
            Those who do generate enough love will be guided by it.
            Calligastia will clear obstacles from their path.
87.       Those who don't generate enough love will act against Law.
            They will refuse to allow their personality to be trained.
            All that they then have is the urge to survive, on top of an inclination to murder.
            The response of the Father in their soul never varies. The Devil (Calligastia) is instructed, and he acts against their survival.
            As that last control is eroded, the Living Darkness of the body rises to replace it, with the desire to kill the life around.
            Naturally, the life around should then act to eliminate that danger. If it does not, murder spreads and that Sector of The Creation falls to The Darkness.
            Sectors of The Creation do fall to The Darkness.
88.       The sector Lords, such as Lord Jesus do hold the scales of justice in their hands. And when these scales overbalance in favour of Darkness, the sentence is the extinction of that sector. The branch IS cut down to save the tree.
89.      Whether the scales overbalance in your sector is down to you.
           The UK Christian church has already lost the UK to Satan.
           That is not the end, but it is a significant step in that direction.
           Do something about it. Draw a circle. Sit in it. Ask the Goddess to come. Discuss your Life Purpose with her.
90.       The meaning of life is to gain victory over Darkness so that YOUR LORD may live.
91.       The purpose of life is to raise yourself to higher dimensions, and those dimensions are unlimited.
            You can raise yourself from Earth to the Lower Heaven.
            You can raise yourself through the Higher Heaven dimensions, to Paradise itself.
            And after Paradise? The Soul Creation is not cut off from the rest of the body of God the Father.


92.       God the Father was eternal. He now lives in eternity. He has placed his life in your hands.
            His purpose in doing that is to manufacture more LOVE.
            That LOVE is to be taken into Eternity. Clearly it is needed there. This is contrary to the doctrine of the UK Christian church which teaches that God is perfect. If that was so, God would not need a continual flow of higher souls from Paradise to Eternity, and that is what happens. This is also contrary to the Hindu teaching that God created 'All That Is' for his amusement.
93.       The primary purpose of 'soul' is to regulate the conduct of its host.
            To do this, the soul communicates continually with its host.
94.      God the Father's nature is 'RIGHTEOUS.'
           Righteous means always legally correct.
           'Always legally correct' does not mean always morally right.
He thinks in terms of 'black and white'. He sees no grey areas between right and wrong.
           The Creation generates a flow of pure beings of LOVE into Eternity - into God the Father.
           They travel from soul to host and he assimilates their message into his being.
           God the Father is allowing himself to slowly be changed by LOVE.

95.     The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME, consists of a billion unfathomable entities that change, alter and adapt.
          Because humans live in concentrated TIME, humans change alter and adapt at a speed that astonishes the rest of The Creation.
          THAT is why The Goddess loves you.
          THAT is why YOU are her people.
          You are under the authority of Lord Jesus, but you belong to TIME. You are her children.
          Because you change, alter and adapt at lightning speed you CAN know her secrets, and you will.

Your Goddess is the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Her loyalty is to you.
She is TIME.
Magic is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
Your Goddess is the ONLY source of such magic.
She WANTS to reveal her secrets to you.
She WANTS you to practice altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is critical to the future of humanity that you do so.
The Goddess WANTS you to establish her in the hearts of her people.
That requires success with every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and luck.
She WILL gift you that success if it is in line with the Life Purpose of your client.
Whether you charge a fee or what fee you charge is irrelevant.
The only thing that is important is that you do it.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.

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