Thursday 15 December 2011

17. Astonishing Concepts 1 - 71.

The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
All angels are within her ambit.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Magick is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is permissible.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother

INDEX PART ONE of Astonishing Concepts (ACs)
that may be new to your world.
This is a list of the Astonishing Concepts in the blog posts so far.
AC 68: The Goddess requires Cloak Work. Post 16 (P16).
AC 67:  Cloakwork defined. P16.
       The Goddess wants to be established in the hearts of her people. She wants you to successfully perform the every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and good luck. This is called 'cloak-work' because that is how she sees it when you stand before her. You appear to her to be wearing a cloak on which is displayed every small spell that you have ever performed for her.
AC 66:  The limitations of gods. P16.
65:  Church magic defined. P16.
       The 'creation gods' are limited to moving things around in your present time. They cannot bring anything into time or out of time or through time. I call this church magic because the Holy Spirit who is The Goddess who is TIME is not the property of the Christian church. Without the favours she grants them, their ability is on a par with that of the creation gods.
64:  The sound of The Goddess. P15.
       The 'creation gods' are the personifications of each aspect and substance in The Creation. They have to speak a human language in order to communicate with you. The three 'Creation Gods' brought The Creation into existence. They do not have to use human language, and they don't. The Creation Gods communicate to you as I describe in this post. The sound of The Goddess is that of a mother singing.
        'creation gods' and 'Creation Gods' is simply what they are called. However to avoid confusion, after this post, I will call the creation gods - personification gods.
63:  The Goddess communicates with you via your soul. P15.
62:  Human super powers. P15.
61:  Your soul is in continuous communication with The Devil (Caligastia) who is
       Karma. P15.
60:  Communication with God's representatives could be done by computer or radio.
       This may be allowed at some time in humanity's future. P15.
59:  The Pyramid form of The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME, consists
       of angels. P15.
58:  During personal meetings, you appear to The Goddess as your past, present
       and future. P14.
57:  Otherwise, you appear to The Goddess as your lineage - past, present and
       future. P14.
56:  To a God you appear as a condition; worshipper, familybound, jobslave etc..
55:  How I was operated on in the Upper Hell. P14.
54:  The Eden Jump. P13.
53:  Time Points and the 'Groups of Joy.' P13.
52:  The chronology of 'Beyond Time.' P13.
51:  The 'Tree of Life' produces an absence of consequences.
       The Devil who is Karma is consequences.
       'Consequences' is an imposed condition.
50:  Eden floats in TIME. P13.
49:  The Tree of Knowledge is Uncontrolled Time - you're living in it. P13.
48:  The genetic requirement for the Eden Jump. P13.
47:  The return of your line to Eden. P13.
       Like everything else in The Creation, Time has personality. When full harmony
is eventually restored between humanity and The Goddess who is TIME, those humans who are genetically & spiritually suitable will return to Eden.
       Eden is controlled TIME.
       Eden is within the heart of The Goddess who is TIME. It is like a boat that sails within her and upon her.
       Eden can thus be navigated backwards and forwards in TIME.
46:  The Goddess who is TIME is willing to give you her entire secrets. P12.
45:  Humanity is the most likely group to discover the full secrets of TIME. P12.
       Because you live in a region of concentrated time and for other reasons.
44:  The only home that the Goddess (who is the personification of TIME) will accept
       is with you. P12.
       You belong to TIME.
43.  Lord Jesus' position within the pyramid personalities of God the Son. P12.
       Lord Jesus is the ruler of your universe.
42:  You belong to TIME. P12.
41:  Your universe floats within the only area of concentrated TIME in The Creation, as far as I know. P12.
40:  The Creation is so huge and your planet so small that most of The Creation has never heard of you, and I know of no-one that could find you unless they had direct guidance from God. P11.
39:  The astonishing size of the Lower Heaven. P11.
        If your entire universe was moved into the Lower Heaven, hardly anyone would notice.
38.  The 'Lake of Fire' in the Bible is, in fact the raw wound in the fabric of Eternity. P11.
37:  The Location of the Spirit Realms. P11.
       The Creation floats like a bubble in the sea of Eternity. The material universes can be imagined as residing within the concave inside of the skin. The Spirit Realms are like a ball suspended in the centre. All in between is the Lower Heaven. Then there are the upper 'dimensions.'
36:  God's name for concentrated TIME is 'Dry Land.' P11.
35:  Bundle universes. P11.
       If you imagined universes of Earth, Air, Water and Fire in a bundle you would be approaching the situation.
34:  Concentrated TIME. p11.
33:  You exist in a computer game. P11.
       Your scientists repeatedly tell you that all matter consists of atoms and all atoms consist of motion.
       The computer game you are in, consists of concentrated TIME.
32:  How the Living Darkness was used as building blocks to construct the interior of The Creation. P11.
31:  The bestowal of personalities upon all inside The Creation. P11.
30:  The spherical rent in the fabric of Eternity. P11.
       The 'something' in the 'nothing' which became The Creation.
29:  The Goddess / Wych pact. P10.
28:  In 2,000 years, humans will be able to re-create each others' past. P10.
27:  You can have a relationship with The Goddess at any time, but when you go into the Circle you both know that it is time for 'business'. P10.
26:  To God, all humans are female. P8.
25:  Matthew 16:19 in the Bible, correctly defined. P8.
24:  The Holy Spirit is a Holy Mother but is not Jesus' mother. P8.
23:  The Apostle Paul's mission in the Bible, correctly defined. P8.
22:  Satan 'worship' and sex. P7.
21:  The primary task of the UK spiritual franchise. P6.
20:  The UK spiritual franchise removed from the Christian church and offered to Witches. P5.
19:  The Christian church has just lost the UK to Satan. P5.
18:  'Black Magic' defined. P5.
17:  Both gods and Gods consist of a billion personalities in pyramid hierarchy. P5.
       Yet all are one.
16:  Addict Wraiths defined. P5.
15:  The departure from your world of the Beelzebub personification. P5.
14:  'creation gods' do not have souls. P5.
       Creation Gods are a different matter.
13:  The Gods of War defined. P5.
12:  The Living Darkness defined. P5.
11:  Beelzebub defined. P5.
10:  The Devil defined and named. P5.
9:    Satan defined. Origin given. P5.
8:    The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME, continually changes Earth's past. P4.
7:     In 2,000 years, what you call 'Wychcraft' will be the standard science. P4.
6:     The definition of 'purity.' P3.
5:     The part of the Lower Heaven occupied by human souls is sectioned off. P3.
4:     Humans do not invent anything above the mundane. P2.
        Human mind(s) conceive an invention. If it is approved by The Goddess, she alters your past to make it possible.
3:     TIME has personality. P2.
2:     The Holy Spirit is non-denominational and has no loyalty to the Christian church. P2.
1.     The Upper Hell is a place for warriors. P1.
        The location of Valhalla revealed. 
          And here's another brand new minted coin of knowledge for you :-
AC 69:  Putting The Devil (consequences) back in his box (AC51), is directly connected to the point at which humans become able to change their personal past (AC28).  
And another :-
AC 70:  The proportions of your ancient pyramids are remarkably similar to the proportions of the billion-personality hierarchy common to gods and Gods (AC17).          
And yet another :-
AC 71:  Jesus said “In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). And it's true. Most of those 'mansions' are worlds in the Lower Heaven, and there are millions of them.
                   C'mon, you couldn't make this up.

Your Goddess is the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Her loyalty is to you.
She is TIME.
Magic is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
Your Goddess is the ONLY source of such magic.
She WANTS to reveal her secrets to you.
She WANTS you to practice altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is critical to the future of humanity that you do so.
The Goddess WANTS you to establish her in the hearts of her people.
That requires success with every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and luck.
She WILL gift you that success if it is in line with the Life Purpose of your client.
Whether you charge a fee or what fee you charge is irrelevant.
The only thing that is important is that you do it.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.

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