Monday 28 November 2011

11. Wych Theology 1.

The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
All angels are within her ambit.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Magick is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is permissible.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother
11 X Astonishing Concepts (ACs)
that may be new to your world.

The word wych has its origins in Middle English wiche, from the Old English wice, meaning pliant or supple.

1.        In the beginning was eternity, which you call 'nothing' because you have no concepts with which to understand its qualities. God the Father was in eternity and, for all any of us know, may be eternity.
2.         God the Father brought into existence 'something' in the 'nothing.' It was a small spherical object floating in the sea of eternity. That object was God the Son. The sphere and everything within it was his body and he moved in personality within his body.
3.        The anchor of your personality is your soul which resides in your heart. The anchor of The Son's personality is Heaven.
4.         God the son is The Creation - i.e. all that exists - and all that exists resides within him.
AC 30.
AC 12B.
5.        God the Father brought into existence 'something' in the 'nothing.' The 'something' was a spherical rent in the fabric of eternity and that rent was Life - i.e. God the Son. Eternity responds to a rent by creating The Darkness to heal it. The Darkness filled the 'something.' Its purpose was to extinguish Life. God called The Darkness 'earth.' To counter it, The Father filled the 'something' with live Spirit - The Holy Spirit, who is TIME. TIME is all that maintains 'the something' and without it, the natural qualities of Eternity will snuff it out.
AC 31.
AC 32.
AC 14B.
6.        The Personality of TIME constructed all that exists in the following way.
7.        'Light' is God's word for 'personality.'
8.          The Darkness was given billions of personalities without souls, formed in a hierarchy. The driving force of personality is 'Survive!' TIME then used those personalities to build everything that exists. Personalities without souls are 'not written in the book of life.' He calls them 'Night.'
9.        God also dropped in an equal number of personalities with souls. His word for these is 'Day.'
AC 33.
AC 34.
10.         The Darkness without personality is called - 'earth.' When personality is added, it is called - 'waters.' The 'waters' are the building blocks of The Creation. They can be solidified into 'firmament.' The only firmament that exists is Heaven. All else is fluid. Everything around you is fluid, as your scientists repeatedly tell you - nothing more than ions and electrons in motion. You exist in the structure of what you would call a computer game. That computer game is concentrated TIME.
AC 35.
AC 36.
11.       “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament” (Genesis 1:7). And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear” (Genesis 1:9). Your material universe is a structural part of a bundle, including universes of earth, air, fire and water. There are several universes below Heaven - they continually begin and end. Your material universe is (in God's terms) 'dry land.' I don't know what the condition of the other universes is. Dry Land is concentrated TIME. As far as I know, TIME in concentrated form occupies one area below the firmament of Heaven; your material universe..
AC 37.
12.          The waters above Heaven are the Spirit Realms.
AC 38.
13.       Everything that exists - the entirety of God the Son - rests upon a lake of fire, which is the raw wound in the fabric of eternity.
14.   AC 39.
a)  'Dry Land' - the area of concentrated TIME which contains your multi-universe bundles, would fit into the firmament of Heaven without being immediately noticeable.
b)  Your material universe is inside a bundle of universes. That bundle is among a lot of other universe bundles. These have all accumulated at the 'arse end' of The Creation.
AC 40.
c)  Within your universe bundle, planet Earth is so microscopically small that the only way that anyone can find it is with the guidance of God.
15.          And yet the doctrine of your Christian church is unmoveably structured on the unarguable belief that the entire Creation - all that exists - was built for the sole benefit of two humans - Adam and Eve and their progeny. If you took all the humans who have ever existed and who ever will exist, and placed them one on top of the other - it would still be impossible for most of The Creation to find them without guidance from God.
16.       Let's imagine that in the whole of the UK there is only a single ant hill containing a single colony of ants, so the UK Government makes them a 'protected species.' And let's imagine that the ants find out about their protected status, and extrapolate it into a belief system that the whole of the UK was constructed for their sole benefit and their birthright is to be rulers of it - that would be humourous.
17.          But if I change the story and make it about a single ant hill and a single colony of ants on the whole of Planet Earth - and their belief system is that the entire planet was constructed for their sole benefit and their birthright is to be rulers of it - the whole thing would cease to be humourous because the scale has become so big as to be beyond the remotest glimmer of possibility.
18.       But the actual situation is that if the whole of the Christian church were a single colony of ants, the area those ants are claiming, is the size of your entire universe - i.e. the ants are claiming that an area bigger than your mind can conceive - was created for their sole benefit. Yet if they did nothing but continuously procreate they would still never get remotely close to occupying it.
 19.         Can you see why the collection of self-brainwashed fools in the Christian church are incapable of taking humanity into the future?
20.       In my next post we will look at The indescribable size of the Lower Heaven, its planetary nature and in particular The Planet of The Wyches.

Your Goddess is the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Her loyalty is to you.
She is TIME.
Magic is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
Your Goddess is the ONLY source of such magic.
She WANTS to reveal her secrets to you.
She WANTS you to practice altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is critical to the future of humanity that you do so.
The Goddess WANTS you to establish her in the hearts of her people.
That requires success with every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and luck.
She WILL gift you that success if it is in line with the Life Purpose of your client.
Whether you charge a fee or what fee you charge is irrelevant.
The only thing that is important is that you do it.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.



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