Saturday 19 November 2011

3. The Christian church CHANGED the Bible!

The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
All angels are within her ambit.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Magick is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is permissible.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother

2 X Astonishing Concepts (ACs)
that may be new to your world.
1.        I'm going to have a look back over the previous two entrys as there will be imperfections. The spirit source is Sweetgum. The human agent is William. Everything involving a human, results in imperfection. The Christian church believes that their version of the Bible is perfect. That's why they call it the "Holy Bible." They will argue to hysteria over a verse - over two words -or even one.
          The original King James Bible (olde text) is a workable book. The New King James Bible (plain text) can help you with the language, but is not to be trusted. Where there are differences, the Old KJ is more accurate.
2.        All Bible versions written after the Old KJ have been altered. This is because the most vicious inter-denominational arguments were over small but important verses. So the church changed them to foster unity. The New International Version (NIV) Bible in the churches today is riven with church propoganda.
 3.       The Bible was not written by the disciples named, but by later followers. Leaving that aside, the disciples repeatedly stated that they were 'only men.' What they meant was that they were only human. I know of no human - ever, who was or is without corruption in one form or another. The whole point of Jesus' incarnation was that his earth body was the bound personification of humanity's sins since Eden. But the church consistently presents him as pure. In his pre-incarnation form of Michael (Daniel 9, 10,12) he was 'pure with problems.' In his post-incarnation form as Lord Jesus, he is 'pure with personality.' But the human spirit of Jesus went through the upper Hell like a hot knife through butter, plummeted through The Levels like a boulder and didn't stop until it hit the lowest gate (Acts 2:31)
AC 5.
4.        Of course the church says that that very act then purified humanity. They would, wouldn't they. So how is it then that the powers of Darkness were able to invade Heaven both before and after? (Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:7-9). The best human worshippers may go to the Lower Heaven, which has been well sectioned off from the upper levels. It is only that Lower Level that Darkness can invade. It can do so because the best of humanity still corrupt even that place.
AC 6.
5.        So don't let the Christian church tell you that their Bible is holy and therefore pure. The Bible is a story of humans, written by humans and interpreted by humans, which means that from start to finish it is a rolling snowball of contamination. You will know purity when you associate with The Holy Spirit. 'Time' is a pure stream. 'Magic' is the alteration of time to gain a benefit. So purity is the ability to change and adapt to the benefit of all. The Holy Spirit is neither female nor male, but 'to change and adapt' is more a female quality than a male. So she/he will usually appear as Female.
     It is NOT surprising that professed Christians who use such flawed bible versions would also believe that God hates sinners.  ... here's the perverted NIV... "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."  Notice how the NIV butchers completely remove "the love of God" from 1st John 3:16.  The New King James Bible butchers also pervert the same Scripture. ... The NIV is packed full of such subtle word changes, and some not so subtle, which have launched an epidemic of false doctrines. 
      Now here's the damnable NIV... "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped."  Do you see why so many people are being deceived by Satan nowadays?  It is obvious to the faithful Christian who is awake to righteousness.  If I had my way, I would burn every New International Version of the Bible in existence!  I would burn every copy of Today's International Version as well.  I would burn every copy of the corrupted New King James Version.  In fact, I would burn every perverted Bible out there, including the Living Bible and Good News for Modern Man.  I would burn the Revised Standard Version.  God only wrote one book folks!  Matthew 4:4 commands us to live by "every word" of the Bible.  To do that we must have an "every word" Bible.  We have it in the 1611 King James Bible which has been tested and proven trustworthy over the centuries.
        Listen friend, the NIV changed 1st John 3:16 to say that Jesus died so we could know "what love is"; but the King James Bible states that Jesus died so we could know THE LOVE OF GOD.  ... the demonic NIV even removes the blood of Jesus from Colossians 1:14.  ... And the most tragic thing is that the NIV is the most popular bible amongst Christians nowadays.  "The translation has become the most popular modern English translation of the Bible, having sold more than 215 million copies worldwide" -SOURCE.  How tragic. 
       The NIV has produced a generation of Lordship Salvationists who foolishly believe that a person cannot be saved without making Jesus Lord.  Here's Romans 10:9 from the King James Bible, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."  Now here's Romans 10:9 from the perverted NIV... "That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
       Hypocritically, Lordship Salvationists will quote Scriptures about being saved by faith alone; but then require people to have some outward self-righteousness to validate their faith.  Clearly they are confusing the ROOT of a believer's faith, which Paul speaks of in Romans; in contrast to the FRUIT of a believer's faith, which is spoken of by James. ... The NIV is from Hell, which is exactly where the Lordship Salvation gang is headed.  ... ANY self-righteous efforts on our part is a total rejection of Christ's work of redemption.!

Your Goddess is the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Her loyalty is to you.
She is TIME.
Magic is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
Your Goddess is the ONLY source of such magic.
She WANTS to reveal her secrets to you.
She WANTS you to practice altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is critical to the future of humanity that you do so.
The Goddess WANTS you to establish her in the hearts of her people.
That requires success with every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and luck.
She WILL gift you that success if it is in line with the Life Purpose of your client.
Whether you charge a fee or what fee you charge is irrelevant.
The only thing that is important is that you do it.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.

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