Monday 3 September 2012

Everything has personality. Information has life.

The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones.
And behold, there were very many in the open valley; and lo, they were very dry.
And he said unto me; "Son of man, can these bones live?"
And I answered, "O Lord God, only thou knowest."
He said unto me; "Prophesy to these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord."

Everything has personality. Information has life.
The depth of personality of information escalates in levels
from basic understanding, to the active action of higher realisations in your life.
Angelic monitors decide what level of information personality will activate in your life, and when.

God's name for 'soul' is 'man' and his name for souls is 'men'.
God does not recognise human gender. In God's eyes, all humans are female.
What humans do to each other with their sexual parts is of no interest to God, other than how it impacts on your spirit.  
Whatever impacts on your spirit is reflected in your genetic code, and affects your genetic line.
Genetic line is EVERYTHING.

The word 'gradely' means 'a decent, orderly progression.' It relates to a scale, tabulated from left to right.
The word 'gradiel' is related to the word 'gradely.'
From 'male to female' is a gradiel spectrum of personal choice formed upon a spectrum of personal experience.
Based upon what you are willing to give to get what you want,
what you are not willing to give,
and what you are willing to give up,
you arrive at your own tabulation along that 'male to female' gradiel spectrum.

In God's eyes, all humans are female.
The Bible book of Revelation states plainly that the purpose of humanity is to become an eventual bride of God.
The Christian church is convinced that it alone is to be the sole bride of Lord Jesus.
In fact the bride of God will be formed by the developed genetic lines of greater humankind.
So it is not the Christian church that matters at all. It is greater humanity that matters.
Your genetic line is paramount.

There has been no mention that God will have just one bride.
Look at the size of your Universe.
Look at the smallness of humankind within it.
Humans have a place within the mind of God, which is the only way that anyone can find them.
The rest of The Creation need God's direction to actually find Planet Earth.
The individual religions within humanity are known to those Universe personalities whose great minds can focus on minute research.

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