Thursday 23 August 2012

You cause it. Satan does it. God permits it.

Hell was re-conqured in 33AD. On that day Satan lost his position as LAWFUL ruler of your world.
On that day, God took back all power over human affairs at every level.
He ruled that henceforward, every human would have personal responsibility for their own life.
He ruled that henceforward, every human would have complete authority over their own lives.

Since 33AD everything good and everything bad in human life has been caused by humans.
And everything good and everything bad has been permitted by God.
Everything good and everything bad in your life has been caused by you.
And everything good and everything bad in your life has been permitted by God.
You cause it. Satan does it. God permits it.

The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Satan is still the LAWFUL ruler of your world.
Who can blame them? If you look about you, that is exactly how it appears.
Your world looks like Satan rules it.
That is how you have made it.

Many Christians know that Satan causes every bad thing,
but they cannot believe that God knowingly permits it.
That is because all humans shy away from the concept of personal responsibility.
You teach it, but its full implications have never sunk home.

On the day that Hell was re-conquered, every human became his and her own church.
Every human became his and her own religion, answerable to your genetic line and to God.
You are the church of your own genetic line.
Everything you do reverberates all down your genetic line, far into its future.

No longer are humans children. You are not children anymore.
Each human must now stand on his and her own two feet and face the universe.
Responsibility for your genetic line is yours alone.
You have a responsibility to your genetic line to be the best that you can be.
And genetic line is EVERYTHING!

My name is Sweetgum.
I am the church of The Best That You Can Be.

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