Sunday 4 March 2012

34: TIME Magick 7.

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The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
All angels are within her ambit.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Magick is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is permissible.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.

          God's name for 'soul' is 'man' and his name for souls is 'men'. God does not recognise human gender. In God's eyes, all humans are female.
          What humans do to each other with their physical parts is of no interest to God, other than how it impacts on your spirit. Whatever impacts on your spirit is reflected in your genetic code, and affects your genetic line.
          In Sweetgum's writing, all human males and females are 'men'.


“String Theory Features
String theory is a work in progress. The key string theory features include:
All objects in our universe are composed of vibrating filaments (strings) and membranes
(branes) of energy.
Several extra (usually unobservable) dimensions to the universe must exist.
There are also other possible string theory features. Possibilities include:
A landscape of string theory solutions, allowing for possible parallel universes.
The holographic principle, which states how information in a space can relate to information on the surface of that space.”
(Also in my Post 18).

          Human 'String Theory' is heading to the correct destination, but is inexact without the information that TIME has personality.

          By 'parallel universes' your scientists mean 'other dimensions.'
          Other dimensions work in this way.
          Every human in the earth dimension is supervised by ascending dimensions of himself in ascending hierarchy, each in angelic TIME relationship.
          These dimensions ascend from the earth (material) dimension, through the rising heaven dimensions to Paradise, the highest Heaven.

Imagine Heaven as a small housing estate.
One of the houses is TIME.
Whereas the earth (material) dimension is in TIME
the highest heaven dimension circulates around TIME.
The impact of time on each dimension
reduces as each dimension rises, layer on layer from earth to the highest Heaven.
The house that is TIME
and is common to all these dimensions,
contains the dimensional spirits that you know as 'human'.
This house is overseen by each heaven dimension
but there is no free movement of its occupants within each dimension.

TIME is not linear. It is ovoid.
          Every human in the earth dimension is supervised by ascending dimensions of himself in ascending hierarchy, each in angelic TIME relationship.
          TIME consists of angels. Angels are personifications of TIME. Time is angels. Angels are time.
          (See Post 31: TIME Magic 6).
          The human in the earth dimension is in TIME. He can only be supervised by ascending dimensions of himself if they also are in TIME.
          When the human dies -leaves TIME- he, along with the dimensional hierarchy of himself become one and are judged as a whole.

          The above only applies to the rising dimensions. If you fall from the earth dimension to a lower dimension (such as the Upper Hell) - the upper supervising hierarchy remains, but it all drops a number of levels.

          Every human in the earth dimension is supervised by ascending dimensions of himself in ascending hierarchy, each in angelic TIME relationship. This means that your higher dimension personalities are already engaged in intimate relationship with TIME in personality.

          Every human in the earth dimension is supervised by ascending dimensions of himself in ascending hierarchy, each in angelic TIME relationship.
          It could be said that you simultaneously exist in all these dimensions.
          However you do not exist in any lower dimensions.
          After death, the earth human may descend to lower dimensions and in so doing, will drag his upper hierarchy to a lower position than formerly.
          Your ascending hierarchy is in angelic TIME relationship. Anything that descends that angelic aspect :-
a) Is an impeachment of the angelic TIME relationship.
b) Enscars your lineage; past, present and future, leaving a question mark over your Family Collective Spirit and your future earth lineage.
          This distresses TIME in personality; The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit.
          TIME is the holding force of all that exists, including everything that human's call 'reality.'
          The accumulative affect of distress upon TIME in personality, causes all disorder and disaster, the imploding of worlds, the folding of universes and -eventually- the wiping of The Creation itself.
          There have been CREATIONS before. It is in the practicality of God in Eternity whether other CREATIONS are or will be.

          Every human in the earth dimension is supervised by ascending dimensions of himself in ascending hierarchy, each in angelic TIME relationship. Your 'Guardian Angel' is the act of direct supervision by that angelic TIME relationship. It may take any form.
          You may only interact with your 'Guardian Angel' through the medium of The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
          All is personality.

Your Goddess is the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Her loyalty is to you.
She is TIME.
Magic is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
Your Goddess is the ONLY source of such magic.
She WANTS to reveal her secrets to you.
She WANTS you to practice altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is critical to the future of humanity that you do so.
The Goddess WANTS you to establish her in the hearts of her people.
That requires success with every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and luck.
She WILL gift you that success if it is in line with the Life Purpose of your client.
Whether you charge a fee or what fee you charge is irrelevant.
The only thing that is important is that you do it.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.


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