Sunday 19 February 2012

31: TIME Magick 6.

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The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
All angels are within her ambit.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Magick is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is permissible.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.

Magick consists of, and is dependent on three fundamentals :-
1.  Humans have superpowers.
2.  Intention has life.
3.  Time can be altered.

The existence of time is either a scientific fact or it isn't.
If it is, then it must be a constant, continuous stream.
That means that one of the following must be true :-
1)  If the past is set in stone, then the future must be set in stone.
2)  If the future can be altered then the past can be altered.
For if you say that the past is unalterable and the future is alterable you are saying that two different types of time exist - the past is one sort of Time and the future is another, quite different sort of Time. And that there is no clear demarcation line between the two sorts of Time (see quotes below) This would be impossibly illogical thought to any body but a human one.
          This may all be news to the man on the street, but those of your scientists who specialise in Time know it.
          You either accept that time travel will become possible or you don't. If time travel ever occurs then the past is altered because the time traveller is now in it.
          If you accept that time travel could ever become possible, you accept that the past can be altered.
          “Time passes more slowly the closer you approach the speed of light -- an unbreakable cosmic speed limit. As such, the hands of a clock in a speeding train would move more slowly than those in a stationary clock. The difference would not be humanly noticeable, but when the train pulled back into the station, the two clocks would be off by billionths of a second. If such a train could attain 99.999 percent light speed, only 1 year would pass onboard for every 223 years back at the train station.
          On a much smaller scale, mass also influences time. Time slows down the closer you are to the center of a massive object.
          “Time runs a little bit faster in space than it does down on Earth,” Davies says. “It runs a little faster on the roof than it does in the basement, and that's a measurable effect.”
          A clock aboard an orbiting satellite experiences time dilation due to both the speed of its orbit and its greater distance from the center of Earth's gravity.
          “Both gravity and speed can give you a means of jumping ahead,” Davies says. “So in principle, if you had enough money, you could get to the year 3000 in as short a time as you like -- one year, one month, whatever it takes. It is only a question of money and engineering.”
          Time travel into the future is an established and fundamental aspect of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity. Scientists have tested and retested this in both experimental and practical settings.”
          Cleland also points out that the fundamental principle of causality stands in the way of travel into the past. The entire universe, as we understand it, is beholden to this rule.
          “Something occurs first and the outcome of that occurrence happens afterward,” Cleland says, “and there has never to my knowledge been an experiment that came out different from that. I am not aware of any experimental tests of quantum mechanics that have shown any violation of causality, in spite of the fact that many experiments could reveal such a violation.”
          Still, in the same way that time dilation isn't flashy enough to seem like time travel into the future, the public often overlooks a very common means of “traveling” into the past.
          “In a sense, astronomers are always traveling backward in time, but it is in a way that most people are not so excited about,” Cleland says. “When we measure the cosmic microwave background, we're looking back more than 10 billion years in time. That's how long it took for the light to reach us.”

QUOTE “The entire universe, as we understand it, is beholden to this rule.”
          This statement is wrong. Your theoretical physicists have established that :-
a)  Everything your scientists believed about the rules of the universe is likely to be wrong.
b)  No human understands the rules of the universe at this time. Phycisists have postulations. See quote below.
“String Theory Features
String theory is a work in progress. The key string theory features include:
All objects in our universe are composed of vibrating filaments (strings) and membranes
(branes) of energy.
Several extra (usually unobservable) dimensions to the universe must exist.
There are also other possible string theory features. Possibilities include:
A landscape of string theory solutions, allowing for possible parallel universes.
The holographic principle, which states how information in a space can relate to information on the surface of that space.”
(Also in my Post 18).

QUOTE “Something occurs first and the outcome of that occurrence happens afterwards.”
          This statement is wrong.
          God creates past, present and future simultaneously.
          Past, present and future are TIME.
          TIME is the Goddess who is the Holy Spirit.

          Humans have superpowers. When you act with intention you create a positive or negative force that exists as spiritual growth or sin. It exists in addition to the action, and is not dependent on the action. If you intended to do something but did not do it, the intention lives on.
          Think of intention as a form of living electricity which you manufacture.
Your nervous system is a network of cells called neurons which transmit information in the form of electrical signals. Your brain has around 100 billion neurons, and each communicates with thousands of others – as many connections as in the world's telephone system, the biggest machine on the planet. Neurons communicate with each other at special junctions where chemicals help to bridge the gap between one neuron and the next.

          God the Father intended to expand himself into God the Son (who is The Creation and contains The Creation) and did so. That intention had independent life. God the Father intended to send his energy through God the Son, into The Creation, in the form of the Holy Spirit (who is the Goddess who is TIME) and he did so. That intention had independent life.

          The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME consists of a billion separate personalities, and all are one.
          Each separate personality is what you call an angel.
TIME is the personification of CHANGE.
The Goddess consists of CHANGE.
The Goddess who is TIME is CHANGE  and brings change.
          An angel is TIME. An angel is CHANGE. If I were to catalogue the million different forms of angels, the day after I completed the book, I would look up and see that a third of them had changed into a different form.
          An angel can adopt any form. An angel can be male or female at will. An angel can be so big that a human would need a telescope to see it all. An angel can be so small that no human microscope can detect it.
          An angel can be and do anything. It can be outside you. It can be inside you. It can live in your soul. An angel is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is an angel, singular or in combination.

“And he said unto me, The LORD before whom I walk, will send his angel with thee and prosper  thy way; and thou shalt take a wife for my son of my kindred, and of my father's house: (Gen 24:40).”

“And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush [was] not consumed” (Exodus 3:2)

          Time consists of angels. Each has personality. Each is in continuous change.
          Rarely can the future be changed by altering the present.
          For all practical purposes the future can only be changed by altering the past.
          At any time throughout history that an angel has appeared to a human, the angel has come to alter the past in order to change the future.

Magick is altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
There is no other magick.
Humans and gods can move things around within NOW. That is not magick. It is cleverness.
TIME is composed of, and consists of angels. Angels are Time. Time is angels.
TIME can only  be altered by interacting with an angel.
 An angel will only alter time when instructed to do so by its collective.
That collective is called the Goddess who is the Holy Spirit, for she is TIME.
If you wish to work real magick -not cleverness- you work with the Goddess who is the Holy Spirit.

Your Goddess is the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Her loyalty is to you.
She is TIME.
Magic is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
Your Goddess is the ONLY source of such magic.
She WANTS to reveal her secrets to you.
She WANTS you to practice altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is critical to the future of humanity that you do so.
The Goddess WANTS you to establish her in the hearts of her people.
That requires success with every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and luck.
She WILL gift you that success if it is in line with the Life Purpose of your client.
Whether you charge a fee or what fee you charge is irrelevant.
The only thing that is important is that you do it.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.


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