This post has been sitting in my wordprocessor for many weeks.
There are areas within it that I need to really focus on to get the (complex) message that is being given.
As 'concentration' is not my strong point (honestly I knock these out quick) I'm going to put the rough draft here and work on it as and when I can.
If I were you, I'd skip this one and read the previous work.
Are you a new researcher?
Click on the blog post archives
to find the beginning of a scroll.
The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
All angels are within her ambit.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Magick is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is permissible.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.
4 X Astonishing Concepts (ACs) that may be new to your world.
1. I am going to tell you soon, what no human has ever heard before. It is a story that, on your planet, no scientist has ever conceived, no Science Fiction writer has ever imagined, no theologian has every postulated and no philosopher has ever dreamed. It is another freshly minted coin, and I will place it in your hand. but first let us review what I have already covered.
2. The destiny of your race is to return to Eden. Your Life Purpose is to start your children on the journey back.
4. In the same way that Satan is the personification of Lust, The Devil (Caligastia) is the personification of Consequences - 'Karma.'
5. What is it that would enable humans to live forever? The answer is 'the absence of Consequences.' He who 'eats of the Tree of Life' moves outside of the reach of Consequences in any form and of any description.
AC 52.
6. 2,000 years from now, your line will begin to control Time.
When they master that ability, chronological dating will no longer apply.
We will call that period 'Beyond Time.'
When your lineage moves Beyond Time they will begin to control Consequences.
When they succeed in putting Caligastia (Consequences) back in his box, they will have arrived back in Eden.
7. The blackness between God and man is that at some point your universe will end and all within it will cease to be. BUT once your people return to Eden they will never be subject to that experience. Eden floats like a ship on the sea of time and can be navigated forwards and backwards. So all anxiety is removed.
8. Another problem for humans is population. The greater the population the more your quality of life diminishes. After your line learns to control Time and before it moves Beyond Time they will find that they have solved the population problem. Each human - no matter how many there are - can then live in his own Time Point - just himself alone in an entire world.
In fact that doesn't happen. They form 'Groups of Joy' and choose a Time Point for their group.
9. What does Eden look like? Nature is allowed its rule. All flora and foliage is heavy, abundant - so rich and verdant it has a presence - it seems to vibrate with its own natural life. Animals, birds and fishes are there in astonishing numbers. A troop of monkeys swinging through the forest might number 1,000 and would not be unusual. You are almost falling over tropical bird-life. And the oceans are so pure and colourful and teeming with such an astonishing profusion of marine life that I have no words to describe it.
10. But if YOU don't take action now, the research information AND genetic abilities needed by your children's children's children will not be available for them. Your line is in a race to control TIME before this universe ends. And to control TIME, both documented research and genetic ability will be needed.
11. A time will eventually come when the human race divides into two; Those who can genetically make the Eden Jump and live forever, sailing in the bosom of TIME, and those who are left behind to die.
Eden floats like a ship on the sea of time and can be navigated forwards and backwards.
In Eden, nature is allowed its rule. All flora and foliage is heavy, abundant - so rich and verdant
Time Points are not Eden, but they lead to Eden.
Time Points relate to 'dimensions.'
Your universe is composed of atoms. Atoms are energy in motion. Nothing around you is solid. Nothing around you is real. The only things that are real in your universe are human soul-spirit and TIME.
The only truth in your material computer-game world is that your spirit exists in a point in TIME.
It is theoretically possible that, within a single lifetime, a human could develop the ability to travel backwards and forwards in his PAST TIME. This can happen now, or close to now.
Here is how.
Your spirit is the operating force of all life functions in your material body.
Some on your world can perform 'astral projection.'
Their spirit can leave their body and travel to other places in present time.
This is possible for them, because a spirit cord connects the spirit and the material body.
That enables the life functions of the material body to continue to operate while its spirit is absent.
* The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
* When you are ready, you can use astral projection to move your spirit into the centre of The Goddess - into the heart of TIME. We'll call that the 'Tardis Point'.
* When your spirit is in the Tardis Point, it will THEN exist at every point of your life from birth to now.
* You then cancel the spirit cord connecting your NOW spirit and your NOW material body. You will not need it, because your spirit simultaneously exists in your NOW body AND in the Tardis Point.
* With no encumbering spirit cord, and being in Simultaneous Existence, you can shift your NOW consciousness to any past existence point in your life. You can travel backwards and forwards in your PAST TIME.
NOTE: This is not the semi-hypnotised regression of Scientology Dianetics, which recovers lost memories.
a) You will not be remembering. You will be there, with your heightened spiritual powers of NOW.
b) Your position in the heart of TIME will result in spiritual benefit to you and in genetic benefits to your descendants.
c) If you were simply remembering, you would just be an observer. But in Sumultaneous Existence you will be able to take different action.
Unfortunately the different action will not hold. It will cause a distortion which will bounce back (revert) when you return.
However, it is useful training for a future when your genetic descendants WILL be able to make different action 'stick.'
Your scientists are beginning to discover that you pass survival knowledge to your children through your genes. In days gone by, practical trades ran in family lines and the longer the trade lineage the better the quality of work produced. Parent passed their trade to child by BOTH apprenticeship AND genetics, because when you eat or starve as a result of your ability at your trade - that 'survival' information fuses deep into your being.
As you work with the Goddess your magickal craft will be likewise preserved.
If you pass your magickal knowledge to your children, and they build on it, and pass their magickal knowledge to their children, who build on it again - a time will come when they will be allowed to alter their own past. We will call that the INTERVENTION POINT.
In 2,000 years our work with TIME will be a primary science on your world.
When YOU are located in the TARDIS POINT you are outside the reach of Consequences.
But you would need a special genetic pattern to move on from there to the INTERVENTION POINT. That genetic pattern needs to be constructed, generation by generation.
1) Your Spirit comes from a Family Spirit Bank in the Spirit Realms.
Yes, you are with your Family forever
2) Your genetic structure comes from your parents.
3) It carries their key survival learning experiences, physical and mental.
4) Your Family Spirit Bank send your Family Spirit to be born.
5) It combines with the genetic structure made by your parents, and your body begins to form.
6) The genetic structure 'loads up' with key qualites from your Family Spirit.
Your Family Spirit takes key knowledge 'in' from the genetic structure
7) Then you are born.
8) Your life experiences alter (are imprinted on) your genetic structure.
9) Your genetic structure imprints these on your Spirit.
Your genetic structure awaits your baby.
10) Your Family Spirit Bank sends a Family Spirit to combine with the waiting genetic structure.
11) On your death, your Spirit takes the new knowledge back to your Family Spirit Bank.
So you start at a certain level, and then develop that on, during human life.
The human material universe consists of concentrated time. Everything happens quicker and more dramatically here than anywhere else in The Creation. This place alters genetics swiftly.
So you need to pass our science of TIME on to your children, who need to pass it on down your line, if your descendants are to have the correct genetic sequence to move from the TARDIS POINT to the INTERVENTION POINT.
Because to The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME, you appear as your genetic line, both past and future. That's how she naturally sees you.
She must concentrate, and focus in, to deal with you as an individual.
For you to alter your past :-
She would need to move her attention to the billion changes that INTERVENTION requires.
She could not deal with you as an individual while that was happening.
For you to alter your past, you would need to stand in partnership with The Goddess.
She would, as it were, 'hand the reins' over to you and allow you to control TIME for a period, while she did her work of Harmony.
She would not be dealing with you as an individual, but as a genetic line. That line would need to hold the necessary code of competence, because no 'hand-holding' would be possible.
So you see how powerful your descendants may become, if you work our TIME magick, and they pass that knowledge on down the line.
GENE: A unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine characteristics.
We have thousands of genes. They are like our computer program and make each one of us what we are. A gene is any section along the DNA that has instructions encoded that allow a cell to produce a specific product - usually, a protein, such as an enzyme - that triggers one precise action. There are between 50,000 and 100,000 genes, and every single gene is made up of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of chemical bases.
The DNA in each chromosome constitutes many genes (as well as vast stretches of noncoding DNA, the function of which is unknown). A gene is any given segment along the DNA that encodes instructions that allow a cell to produce a specific product - typically, a protein such as an enzyme - that initiates one specific action. There are between 50,000 and 100,000 genes, and every gene is made up of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of chemical bases.
When YOU are located in the TARDIS POINT you are TEMPORARILY outside the reach of Consequences.
But a developed genetic pattern is needed, to move on from there to the INTERVENTION POINT where a human can change their past.
The INTERVENTION POINT is only a bridgehead into Calligastia's territory. There is a long journey from the INTERVENTION POINT to where humans eliminate Calligastia who is The Devil who is Karma who is CONSEQUENCES.
You move Beyond Time in the Ship of Souls.
The Ship of Souls is a Multiple Tardis Point within the bosom of the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
You gain mastery over Consequences from the Ship of Souls.
TIME moves her attention to the billion changes that INTERVENTION requires.
TIME cannot deal with you as an individual while that is happening.
You stand in partnership with The Goddess.
She 'hands the reins' over to you and allows you to control TIME for a period, while she does her work of Harmony.
'Gain control over Consequences' = The Eden Jump.
The Eden Jump = 'Putting Caligastia (the Devil, Consequences) back in his box' WITH REGARD TO YOU.
He turns like a roaring lion upon those left on Planet Earth.
God folds up the Planet Earth Universe.
Eden floats like a ship on the sea of time and can be navigated forwards and backwards.
In Eden, nature is allowed its rule. All flora and foliage is heavy, abundant - so rich and verdant
Time Points are not Eden, but they lead to Eden.
Time Points are different dimensions.
Eden is the source point from which all dimensions originate.
Each dimension is one essence of Eden expanded to dilution.
Eden is LIKE a distillation of all that is best in every dimension.
Your work in Eden is to supervise / oversee the dimensions, using messengers like Sweetgum to develop their populations towards you.
At the INTERVENTION POINT your line can alter personal past.
They alter their personal past SINGLY.
That enables them to CONTROL TIME and go BEYOND TIME.
Through practice and experience they slowly work out how groups can INTERVENTION POINT together
and alter GROUP PAST.
The groups slowly grow in size until a CRITICAL CALIGASTIA POINT is reached
where Caligastia who is the Devil who is CONSEQUENCES loses controlling authority over them
That is the EDEN JUMP.
When they make the EDEN JUMP they cannot go back to Calligastia's Area in which is your universe.
The Ship of Souls allows your line to then travel FREELY anywhere within the body of the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
The Ship of Souls can only be operated once Calligastia's authority is broken.
The Ship of Souls sails in the sea of TIME which is the body of The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit.
Using Advanced Simultaneous Existence, the passengers are both in the ship and in their chosen Time Point, at the same time.
The Time Points are Eden. Because in Eden all is possible.
As the natural end of this universe approaches, those who are suitable (by genetics and training), go on board the Ship of Souls. Shortly before the end, they navigate the ship back through TIME.
This universe ends. Those humans who were not suitable, die. Calligastia who is The Devil who is Consequences dies with them.
Eden is an environment that the Ship of Souls makes possible. Your line becomes gods. The Ship of Souls IS their collective (pyramid) soul and Eden is their collective BODY. They move in personality throughout their body in accord with the pyramid hierarchy they establish.
The Tardis Point.
Intervention Point Control of Time.
Discovery and use of Time Points.
Move Beyond Time in the Ship of Souls.
Gain control over Consequences = The Eden Jump.
This will not be a clean sequence. Genetic lines move at different speeds and in different ways. Humans move forward in a confusion.
The everyday work of The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME is to continually alter humanity's past in order to change its future. Her condition is 'adapt and change' TO THE BENEFIT OF ALL.' For this reason, there is no dogma trail to follow when you associate with her. EVERYTHING revolves upon the personal relationship that you have with her.
To every other Apex God, humanity is almost too difficult to deal with. But The Goddess is ideally suited for this task. That which other Gods find taxing about humanity, is 'just a normal day' in her trade. She will see how a genetic line is going forward, and just tweak its past to redirect it in a generally useful direction.
Those who follow our science of TIME, and pass the knowledge that they gain, down their genetic line, will establish the Great Families of the future. The Great Families will have huge authority and power and will, eventually, decide who makes the Eden Jump and who doesn't.
Humans being humans, no two Great Families will proceed in the same way. They will each develop their own system, go off in different directions, be gradually routed back by The Goddess, and all end up at the same destination. So the 'general sequence' that I gave earlier will, in fact, be very general indeed.
Each human - no matter how many there are - can live in his own Time Point i.e. just himself alone in the entire world.
In fact that doesn't happen. They form associations of the like-minded - what they call 'Groups of Joy' and choose a Time Point for their group.
This is the inheritance YOU bequeath to YOUR line, and its price today is nothing more than a routine of Circle Work (document and publish) which will, in any event turn YOUR life into one of joy, passion, enrichment and happiness. And you know what? Many will read this and not do it.
Spiritual leadership needs to be built into your genetic line, and that is best done from the outset.
Your Goddess is the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Her loyalty is to you.
She is TIME.
Magic is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
Your Goddess is the ONLY source of such magic.
She WANTS to reveal her secrets to you.
She WANTS you to practice altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is critical to the future of humanity that you do so.
The Goddess WANTS you to establish her in the hearts of her people.
That requires success with every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and luck.
She WILL gift you that success if it is in line with the Life Purpose of your client.
Whether you charge a fee or what fee you charge is irrelevant.
The only thing that is important is that you do it.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.
This post has been sitting in my wordprocessor for many weeks.
There are areas within it that I need to really focus on to get the (complex) message that is being given.
As 'concentration' is not my strong point (honestly I knock these out quick) I'm going to put the rough draft here and work on it as and when I can.
If I were you, I'd skip this one and read the previous work.
Are you a new researcher?
Click on the blog post archives
to find the beginning of a scroll.
The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
All angels are within her ambit.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Magick is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is permissible.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.
4 X Astonishing Concepts (ACs) that may be new to your world.
1. I am going to tell you soon, what no human has ever heard before. It is a story that, on your planet, no scientist has ever conceived, no Science Fiction writer has ever imagined, no theologian has every postulated and no philosopher has ever dreamed. It is another freshly minted coin, and I will place it in your hand. but first let us review what I have already covered.
2. The destiny of your race is to return to Eden. Your Life Purpose is to start your children on the journey back.
4. In the same way that Satan is the personification of Lust, The Devil (Caligastia) is the personification of Consequences - 'Karma.'
5. What is it that would enable humans to live forever? The answer is 'the absence of Consequences.' He who 'eats of the Tree of Life' moves outside of the reach of Consequences in any form and of any description.
AC 52.
6. 2,000 years from now, your line will begin to control Time.
When they master that ability, chronological dating will no longer apply.
We will call that period 'Beyond Time.'
When your lineage moves Beyond Time they will begin to control Consequences.
When they succeed in putting Caligastia (Consequences) back in his box, they will have arrived back in Eden.
7. The blackness between God and man is that at some point your universe will end and all within it will cease to be. BUT once your people return to Eden they will never be subject to that experience. Eden floats like a ship on the sea of time and can be navigated forwards and backwards. So all anxiety is removed.
8. Another problem for humans is population. The greater the population the more your quality of life diminishes. After your line learns to control Time and before it moves Beyond Time they will find that they have solved the population problem. Each human - no matter how many there are - can then live in his own Time Point - just himself alone in an entire world.
In fact that doesn't happen. They form 'Groups of Joy' and choose a Time Point for their group.
9. What does Eden look like? Nature is allowed its rule. All flora and foliage is heavy, abundant - so rich and verdant it has a presence - it seems to vibrate with its own natural life. Animals, birds and fishes are there in astonishing numbers. A troop of monkeys swinging through the forest might number 1,000 and would not be unusual. You are almost falling over tropical bird-life. And the oceans are so pure and colourful and teeming with such an astonishing profusion of marine life that I have no words to describe it.
10. But if YOU don't take action now, the research information AND genetic abilities needed by your children's children's children will not be available for them. Your line is in a race to control TIME before this universe ends. And to control TIME, both documented research and genetic ability will be needed.
11. A time will eventually come when the human race divides into two; Those who can genetically make the Eden Jump and live forever, sailing in the bosom of TIME, and those who are left behind to die.
Eden floats like a ship on the sea of time and can be navigated forwards and backwards.
In Eden, nature is allowed its rule. All flora and foliage is heavy, abundant - so rich and verdant
Time Points are not Eden, but they lead to Eden.
Time Points relate to 'dimensions.'
Your universe is composed of atoms. Atoms are energy in motion. Nothing around you is solid. Nothing around you is real. The only things that are real in your universe are human soul-spirit and TIME.
The only truth in your material computer-game world is that your spirit exists in a point in TIME.
It is theoretically possible that, within a single lifetime, a human could develop the ability to travel backwards and forwards in his PAST TIME. This can happen now, or close to now.
Here is how.
Your spirit is the operating force of all life functions in your material body.
Some on your world can perform 'astral projection.'
Their spirit can leave their body and travel to other places in present time.
This is possible for them, because a spirit cord connects the spirit and the material body.
That enables the life functions of the material body to continue to operate while its spirit is absent.
* The Goddess is the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
* When you are ready, you can use astral projection to move your spirit into the centre of The Goddess - into the heart of TIME. We'll call that the 'Tardis Point'.
* When your spirit is in the Tardis Point, it will THEN exist at every point of your life from birth to now.
* You then cancel the spirit cord connecting your NOW spirit and your NOW material body. You will not need it, because your spirit simultaneously exists in your NOW body AND in the Tardis Point.
* With no encumbering spirit cord, and being in Simultaneous Existence, you can shift your NOW consciousness to any past existence point in your life. You can travel backwards and forwards in your PAST TIME.
NOTE: This is not the semi-hypnotised regression of Scientology Dianetics, which recovers lost memories.
a) You will not be remembering. You will be there, with your heightened spiritual powers of NOW.
b) Your position in the heart of TIME will result in spiritual benefit to you and in genetic benefits to your descendants.
c) If you were simply remembering, you would just be an observer. But in Sumultaneous Existence you will be able to take different action.
Unfortunately the different action will not hold. It will cause a distortion which will bounce back (revert) when you return.
However, it is useful training for a future when your genetic descendants WILL be able to make different action 'stick.'
Your scientists are beginning to discover that you pass survival knowledge to your children through your genes. In days gone by, practical trades ran in family lines and the longer the trade lineage the better the quality of work produced. Parent passed their trade to child by BOTH apprenticeship AND genetics, because when you eat or starve as a result of your ability at your trade - that 'survival' information fuses deep into your being.
As you work with the Goddess your magickal craft will be likewise preserved.
If you pass your magickal knowledge to your children, and they build on it, and pass their magickal knowledge to their children, who build on it again - a time will come when they will be allowed to alter their own past. We will call that the INTERVENTION POINT.
In 2,000 years our work with TIME will be a primary science on your world.
When YOU are located in the TARDIS POINT you are outside the reach of Consequences.
But you would need a special genetic pattern to move on from there to the INTERVENTION POINT. That genetic pattern needs to be constructed, generation by generation.
1) Your Spirit comes from a Family Spirit Bank in the Spirit Realms.
Yes, you are with your Family forever
2) Your genetic structure comes from your parents.
3) It carries their key survival learning experiences, physical and mental.
4) Your Family Spirit Bank send your Family Spirit to be born.
5) It combines with the genetic structure made by your parents, and your body begins to form.
6) The genetic structure 'loads up' with key qualites from your Family Spirit.
Your Family Spirit takes key knowledge 'in' from the genetic structure
7) Then you are born.
8) Your life experiences alter (are imprinted on) your genetic structure.
9) Your genetic structure imprints these on your Spirit.
Your genetic structure awaits your baby.
10) Your Family Spirit Bank sends a Family Spirit to combine with the waiting genetic structure.
11) On your death, your Spirit takes the new knowledge back to your Family Spirit Bank.
So you start at a certain level, and then develop that on, during human life.
The human material universe consists of concentrated time. Everything happens quicker and more dramatically here than anywhere else in The Creation. This place alters genetics swiftly.
So you need to pass our science of TIME on to your children, who need to pass it on down your line, if your descendants are to have the correct genetic sequence to move from the TARDIS POINT to the INTERVENTION POINT.
Because to The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME, you appear as your genetic line, both past and future. That's how she naturally sees you.
She must concentrate, and focus in, to deal with you as an individual.
For you to alter your past :-
She would need to move her attention to the billion changes that INTERVENTION requires.
She could not deal with you as an individual while that was happening.
For you to alter your past, you would need to stand in partnership with The Goddess.
She would, as it were, 'hand the reins' over to you and allow you to control TIME for a period, while she did her work of Harmony.
She would not be dealing with you as an individual, but as a genetic line. That line would need to hold the necessary code of competence, because no 'hand-holding' would be possible.
So you see how powerful your descendants may become, if you work our TIME magick, and they pass that knowledge on down the line.
GENE: A unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine characteristics.
We have thousands of genes. They are like our computer program and make each one of us what we are. A gene is any section along the DNA that has instructions encoded that allow a cell to produce a specific product - usually, a protein, such as an enzyme - that triggers one precise action. There are between 50,000 and 100,000 genes, and every single gene is made up of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of chemical bases.
The DNA in each chromosome constitutes many genes (as well as vast stretches of noncoding DNA, the function of which is unknown). A gene is any given segment along the DNA that encodes instructions that allow a cell to produce a specific product - typically, a protein such as an enzyme - that initiates one specific action. There are between 50,000 and 100,000 genes, and every gene is made up of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of chemical bases.
When YOU are located in the TARDIS POINT you are TEMPORARILY outside the reach of Consequences.
But a developed genetic pattern is needed, to move on from there to the INTERVENTION POINT where a human can change their past.
The INTERVENTION POINT is only a bridgehead into Calligastia's territory. There is a long journey from the INTERVENTION POINT to where humans eliminate Calligastia who is The Devil who is Karma who is CONSEQUENCES.
You move Beyond Time in the Ship of Souls.
The Ship of Souls is a Multiple Tardis Point within the bosom of the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
You gain mastery over Consequences from the Ship of Souls.
TIME moves her attention to the billion changes that INTERVENTION requires.
TIME cannot deal with you as an individual while that is happening.
You stand in partnership with The Goddess.
She 'hands the reins' over to you and allows you to control TIME for a period, while she does her work of Harmony.
'Gain control over Consequences' = The Eden Jump.
The Eden Jump = 'Putting Caligastia (the Devil, Consequences) back in his box' WITH REGARD TO YOU.
He turns like a roaring lion upon those left on Planet Earth.
God folds up the Planet Earth Universe.
Eden floats like a ship on the sea of time and can be navigated forwards and backwards.
In Eden, nature is allowed its rule. All flora and foliage is heavy, abundant - so rich and verdant
Time Points are not Eden, but they lead to Eden.
Time Points are different dimensions.
Eden is the source point from which all dimensions originate.
Each dimension is one essence of Eden expanded to dilution.
Eden is LIKE a distillation of all that is best in every dimension.
Your work in Eden is to supervise / oversee the dimensions, using messengers like Sweetgum to develop their populations towards you.
At the INTERVENTION POINT your line can alter personal past.
They alter their personal past SINGLY.
That enables them to CONTROL TIME and go BEYOND TIME.
Through practice and experience they slowly work out how groups can INTERVENTION POINT together
and alter GROUP PAST.
The groups slowly grow in size until a CRITICAL CALIGASTIA POINT is reached
where Caligastia who is the Devil who is CONSEQUENCES loses controlling authority over them
That is the EDEN JUMP.
When they make the EDEN JUMP they cannot go back to Calligastia's Area in which is your universe.
The Ship of Souls allows your line to then travel FREELY anywhere within the body of the Holy Spirit who is TIME.
The Ship of Souls can only be operated once Calligastia's authority is broken.
The Ship of Souls sails in the sea of TIME which is the body of The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit.
Using Advanced Simultaneous Existence, the passengers are both in the ship and in their chosen Time Point, at the same time.
The Time Points are Eden. Because in Eden all is possible.
As the natural end of this universe approaches, those who are suitable (by genetics and training), go on board the Ship of Souls. Shortly before the end, they navigate the ship back through TIME.
This universe ends. Those humans who were not suitable, die. Calligastia who is The Devil who is Consequences dies with them.
Eden is an environment that the Ship of Souls makes possible. Your line becomes gods. The Ship of Souls IS their collective (pyramid) soul and Eden is their collective BODY. They move in personality throughout their body in accord with the pyramid hierarchy they establish.
The Tardis Point.
Intervention Point Control of Time.
Discovery and use of Time Points.
Move Beyond Time in the Ship of Souls.
Gain control over Consequences = The Eden Jump.
This will not be a clean sequence. Genetic lines move at different speeds and in different ways. Humans move forward in a confusion.
The everyday work of The Goddess who is the Holy Spirit who is TIME is to continually alter humanity's past in order to change its future. Her condition is 'adapt and change' TO THE BENEFIT OF ALL.' For this reason, there is no dogma trail to follow when you associate with her. EVERYTHING revolves upon the personal relationship that you have with her.
To every other Apex God, humanity is almost too difficult to deal with. But The Goddess is ideally suited for this task. That which other Gods find taxing about humanity, is 'just a normal day' in her trade. She will see how a genetic line is going forward, and just tweak its past to redirect it in a generally useful direction.
Those who follow our science of TIME, and pass the knowledge that they gain, down their genetic line, will establish the Great Families of the future. The Great Families will have huge authority and power and will, eventually, decide who makes the Eden Jump and who doesn't.
Humans being humans, no two Great Families will proceed in the same way. They will each develop their own system, go off in different directions, be gradually routed back by The Goddess, and all end up at the same destination. So the 'general sequence' that I gave earlier will, in fact, be very general indeed.
Each human - no matter how many there are - can live in his own Time Point i.e. just himself alone in the entire world.
In fact that doesn't happen. They form associations of the like-minded - what they call 'Groups of Joy' and choose a Time Point for their group.
This is the inheritance YOU bequeath to YOUR line, and its price today is nothing more than a routine of Circle Work (document and publish) which will, in any event turn YOUR life into one of joy, passion, enrichment and happiness. And you know what? Many will read this and not do it.
Spiritual leadership needs to be built into your genetic line, and that is best done from the outset.
Your Goddess is the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
She has no loyalty to the Christian church.
Her loyalty is to you.
She is TIME.
Magic is the alteration of TIME to obtain a benefit.
Your Goddess is the ONLY source of such magic.
She WANTS to reveal her secrets to you.
She WANTS you to practice altering TIME to obtain a benefit.
It is critical to the future of humanity that you do so.
The Goddess WANTS you to establish her in the hearts of her people.
That requires success with every-day spells of money, love, health, relationships and luck.
She WILL gift you that success if it is in line with the Life Purpose of your client.
Whether you charge a fee or what fee you charge is irrelevant.
The only thing that is important is that you do it.
Draw a circle.
Sit inside.
Ask The Goddess to come.
Talk as you would talk to your Mother.